09.01.2013 Aufrufe

Rau, A collection of upwards of thirty thousand - German ...

Rau, A collection of upwards of thirty thousand - German ...

Rau, A collection of upwards of thirty thousand - German ...


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OTTO, Otho, father <strong>of</strong> the family, economist, manager—F.<br />

Pichler; Grothic, otto, atta, fadar, father.*<br />

PAULUS, Paul, small, little, diminutive ; Latin, paulus, small,<br />

little, same as parvus, small ; vir paulus, a small man ; pv^r<br />

parvus, a small boy.<br />

PETRUS, Peter, Pierre, French ; a rock, ein Fels—Heubner<br />

rock or stone ; one that is immovable or firm ; Greek, petros,<br />

a stone or rock, hence the word petra in Greek, a stone, a<br />

rock. The French word pierre, Peter, and pierre, rock or<br />

stone, are spelt alike, e. g. su ei Petros, kai api tautei tci<br />

petrai<br />

—<br />

es Pierre, et que sur cette pierre. Petros and Pierre<br />

are masculine, and petra and pierre feminine.<br />

PHILLIPPUS, Philipus, Philip, a lover <strong>of</strong> horses—Heubner;<br />

a knight— F. Pichler; Greek, philippos, that delights in<br />

horses; fond <strong>of</strong> riding; üom philos, a lover, a friend, and<br />

hipjios, a horse.<br />

REINHARD, same as Richard.<br />

REMIGIUS, an oarsman, a rower, a navigator—F. Pichler;<br />

Latin, from remigo, are, to row, to impel a vessel or boat on<br />

water.<br />

REUBEN, Ruben, who sees the son, vision <strong>of</strong> the son;<br />

Hebrew, from raah, rao, rau, to see, perceive with the eye,<br />

and ben, a son.<br />

* Otto, atta, fadar, father <strong>of</strong> a family, means literally, one who begets,<br />

provides and governs his children; the word "father" in various<br />

languages, conveys a similar idea—as in the Sanscrit pitr, Zend pata,<br />

Persian pader, Latin pater, Italian padre, French pire, Greek pater,<br />

Ancient <strong>German</strong> fatar, <strong>German</strong> Vater, Anglo-Saxon faeder, Swedish<br />

fader, HoUandish vader, Irish athair, Welsh tad, Russian otetz, Polish<br />

ojciec, Bohemian otec, Finnish isa, Hebrew ab, Arabic abon, Malaie<br />

bappa, Coptic babb, Spanish padre, Britannic taad, Icelandic bader,<br />

Dalmatian otcse, Croatian ozhe, Lusatic wosch, Hungarian atyanc, &c.<br />

* Dtto, atta, fadar, SSflter einer ^inttlte, bebcutet e igentltd& : (Jtncr,<br />

tccld^er fetite Ätnber jeugt, für fte forgt unb btefclbeit regiert. I)aö SBort<br />

„SBater" bebeutet in ütclerlei «Sprachen baöfelbe, j. S.t ®anfcrtt pit',<br />

jenbtfc^ pata, perftfc^ pader, Iatetntfc| pater, ttaltentfc^ padre, franj<strong>of</strong>tfcl)<br />

pfere, grtct^ifc^ pater, nU^bcutfc^ fatar, bcutfc& 25atcr, anglo-f.icfefifcb faeder.<br />

fd)»ebifd) fader, {joKänbifc^ vader, trid'nbifcb athair, wrtfd) tad, rufjlfii<br />

otetz, polutfc^ ojciec, bÖtjinif^) otec, ftnntf(^ isa, ^cbraifcb ab, arnbifc^<br />

abon, malaifcl bappa, cDpttfc^ babb, fpani[c() padre, brttti|c| taad, tglän=<br />

bifc^ bader, balmatif4> otcse, croatifc(> ozhe, laufi0tfc(> wosch, ungarifdj)<br />

atyanc 2C.<br />


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