09.01.2013 Aufrufe

Rau, A collection of upwards of thirty thousand - German ...

Rau, A collection of upwards of thirty thousand - German ...

Rau, A collection of upwards of thirty thousand - German ...


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Interpretation <strong>of</strong> Baptismal Names<br />


gollccfion <strong>of</strong> '^^hitf "^^oxi^anb ^amc^.<br />

(SrHärung öon ^aufnamen, mldjt in ber Sammlung<br />

üon 30,000 ^amm üorfommen*<br />

AARON, a teacher ; Hebrew, literally one that is exalted above<br />

the vulgar or common people.<br />

ABRAHAM, father <strong>of</strong> many nations ; Hebrew, from ab, father,<br />

and raham, many nations, or multitudes.<br />

ACHILLES, one that mourns or grieves—F. Pichler. It is<br />

a Greek name, by which the son <strong>of</strong> Peleus and Thetis was<br />

known, who signalized himself at the siege <strong>of</strong> Troy.<br />

ACHOR, Achior, trouble, disturbance <strong>of</strong> mind ;<br />

troubling, or akhan, he that troubles.<br />

Hebrew, akhor,<br />

ADAM, earthy man ; Hebrew. This name may be derived<br />

from dam, blood, adam, red, or to be red, in the sense <strong>of</strong><br />

beauty, or beautifiil, i. e. red man, beautiful man.<br />

ADELBERTH, Ethelbert, <strong>of</strong> noble birth ; Gothic, ^del, adel,<br />

noble, and Anglo-Saxon, li/t'd, heorth, berth, birth, the con-<br />

dition in which a person is born.<br />

ADOLPH, Adolf, a noble helper; Gothic and Anglo-Saxon,<br />

hyJpan, helpan, holjjeji, holph, help, hence helper.<br />

ADRIAN, Hadrian, one from the Gulf <strong>of</strong> Venice ; Greek origin.<br />

aEGEDIUS, Egidius, Giles, vigilant, wakeful ; Greek, and may<br />

be derived from the verb egeiro, to stir up, animate, to waken.<br />

ALBERTUS, Albert, Albrecht, same as Adelberth.<br />

ALEXANDER, one who aids, or defends ;<br />

Greek, from alexo,<br />

alexeo, to defend, and aner, andros, nom. pi. andres^ a man,<br />

men ; one who protects men.<br />

ALFRED, all peace; Anglo-Saxon, eal, (Greek, holos, all, the<br />

whole) and freoh, freod, fread, fred, peace.

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