09.01.2013 Aufrufe

Rau, A collection of upwards of thirty thousand - German ...

Rau, A collection of upwards of thirty thousand - German ...

Rau, A collection of upwards of thirty thousand - German ...


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Hans Georg Kautz,<br />

Joh. Philip Schwartländer,<br />

John PhUip Welsh,*<br />

Johann Georg Meyer,<br />

Georg Philipp Bock,<br />

Hans Michael Schmidt,<br />

AND OTHER IMMIGRANTS—1752. 297<br />

Georg jNIichael Müller,<br />

Johann jMichael Path,<br />

Johan Martin Haussleither,<br />

Johan Jacob Stoll,<br />

Georg Christian Nüsser,<br />

Simon Leitel Huber.<br />

192) Nov. 22, 1752. Ship Phoenix, Reuben Honor, Captain,<br />

from Rotterdam, last from Cowes.<br />

5fioö. 22, 1752.

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