BYE BYE GAZA - Barry Chamish

BYE BYE GAZA - Barry Chamish

BYE BYE GAZA - Barry Chamish


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forced to wage that war in self-defense, and the disputed<br />

territories were held not as the object of conquest, but to be<br />

part of eventual negotiations for lasting peace.<br />

back to CFR President Haass oped promoting the<br />

destruction of Israel<br />

It has been a long time since the words opportunity and<br />

Middle East appeared in the same sentence. But now they<br />

are. Even better, this optimism may have some basis in<br />

reality. One important reason for this change in attitude is, of<br />

course, Yasser Arafat's disappearance from the scene. Like<br />

the Thane of Cawdor in Shakespeare's Macbeth, "Nothing in<br />

his life became him like the leaving it."<br />

Arafat never grew beyond the man who appeared at the<br />

United Nations decades ago with both an olive branch and a<br />

gun. His unwillingness to jettison terror and choose<br />

diplomacy proved his undoing, as he lost legitimacy in the<br />

eyes of both Israel and the United States. The result was the<br />

failure to create a Palestinian state.<br />

But it is not simply Arafat's passing that provides cause for<br />

optimism. We now have a Palestinian leadership legitimized<br />

by elections, one that appears to be opposed to using<br />

terrorism as a tool to achieve political aims. Mahmoud Abbas<br />

(Abu Mazen) has a good record of questioning the wisdom of<br />

the intifada that has taken too many lives and caused only<br />

misery and destruction on all sides.<br />

Changes in Israel are also contributing to the mood swing.<br />

There is a growing awareness in Israel that the current<br />

situation -- one of open-ended Israeli occupation of lands<br />

mostly populated by Palestinians -- is inconsistent with<br />

Israel's determination to remain a secure, prosperous,<br />

Jewish and democratic state.<br />

The formation of a new Israeli government, one more centrist<br />

in its composition and support, is another positive

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