BYE BYE GAZA - Barry Chamish

BYE BYE GAZA - Barry Chamish

BYE BYE GAZA - Barry Chamish


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269<br />

269<br />

Here's what you did. You held hands and handed out orange<br />

rags. You told the soldiers how much you loved them and<br />

you danced for them.<br />

You pathetic Jews danced in front of your executioners.<br />

Then you handed them your weapons and danced again for<br />

them. And as if you haven't had enough of dancing, you're<br />

doing some more fancy steps this Thursday in Jerusalem.<br />

And all the media will report that the homeless of Gush Katif<br />

are so delighted by their new status that they are dancing for<br />

joy in the park.<br />

And you will undoubtedly invite members of the Yesha<br />

council to join you in a snappy minuet. Why change<br />

partners? For a year you saw how the council was<br />

sabotaging any hope for victory and you let it glide you to<br />

extinction. Not one mass meeting was held in your own<br />

community centers to form your own council. You let them<br />

have their way with you and did not a thing to control your<br />

own destiny.<br />

So why didn't you do a damn thing for yourselves? When the<br />

soldiers came into your homes, why didn't anyone try so<br />

much as to push them out of the way? You gave up without a<br />

fight and the nation snickered at your performance.<br />

You let the government-choreographed Yesha council turn<br />

your struggle from a political battle to a religious one. Your<br />

battle was a national priority, but you scared the secular<br />

away. I was one of the very few secularists I saw at any<br />

demonstration. I worked for eighteen months to publicize the<br />

righteousness of your struggle and expose the crooks<br />

planning your demise. I received little reward but I thought<br />

this was the right fight to join. Hundreds of thousands of<br />

others took great risks fighting for you with just as little<br />

reward.<br />

Now start to fight for yourselves already.

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