The Biodiversity of Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve - Birdlife ...

The Biodiversity of Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve - Birdlife ...

The Biodiversity of Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve - Birdlife ...


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Appendix 1. Plant species list for <strong>Bac</strong> <strong>Huong</strong> <strong>Hoa</strong> <strong>Nature</strong> <strong>Reserve</strong><br />

Data from (Anon 2006), the results <strong>of</strong> surveys conducted by Le Trong Trai.<br />

1. Lycopodiaceae<br />

1 Lycopodium cernua (L.) Franco & Vasc<br />

2. Selaginellaceae<br />

2 Selaginella doderleinii Hieron.<br />

3 S. involvens (Sw.) Spring.<br />

4 S. petelotii Aston<br />

5 S. repanda (Desv.) Spring<br />

6 S. delicatula (Desv.) Alst.<br />


3. Equisetaceae<br />

7 Equisetum ramosissimum Devs.<br />


4. Adiantaceae<br />

8 Adiantum flabellulatum L.<br />

9 A. philippense L.<br />

10 A. induratum Chr.<br />

11 A. diaphanum Bl.<br />

12 Antrophyum annamensis Chr. & Tard.<br />

13<br />

A. coriaceum (D. Don) Wall.<br />

14 Cheilanthes tenuifolia (Burm. f.) Sw.<br />

15 Onychium siliculosum (Desv.) C. Chr.<br />

16 Pityrogramma culomelanos (L.) Link.<br />

17 Pteris biaurita L.<br />

18 P. ensiformis Burm.f.<br />

19 P. grevilleana Wall. ex Ag.<br />

20 P. linearis Poir.<br />

21 P. decrescens Chr.<br />

22 P. finotii Chr.<br />

5. Angiopteridaceae<br />

23 Angiopteris annamensis C. Ch & Tard.<br />

24 A. cochinchinensis de Vriese<br />

25 A. evecta (Forst.) H<strong>of</strong>fm.<br />

26 A. palmaeformis (Cav.) Chr.<br />

27 A. repandula de Vriese<br />

28 Archangiopteris cadieri Tard. & Christ<br />

6. Aspleniaceae<br />

29 Asplenium cheilosorum O. Kuntze ex Mett<br />

30 A. varians Wall ex Hook. & Grew.<br />

31 A. ensiforme Wall. Ex Hook. f.<br />

32 A. nidus L.<br />

33 A. colaniae Tard.-Blot.<br />


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