The Biodiversity of Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve - Birdlife ...

The Biodiversity of Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve - Birdlife ...

The Biodiversity of Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve - Birdlife ...


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698 Solanum americanum Midl.<br />

699 S. procumbens Lour.<br />

700 S. torvum Swartz.<br />

701 S. trilobatum L.<br />

702 S. undatum Poir.<br />

703 S. melogena L.<br />

704 S. erianthum D. Don<br />

101. Sonneratiaceae<br />

705 Duabanga grandiflora (DC.) Walp.<br />

102. Sterculiaceae<br />

706 Byttneria pilosa Roxb.<br />

707 B. andamensis Kurz.<br />

708 Helicteres angustifolia L.<br />

709 H. angustifolia Pierre.<br />

710 H. hirsuta Lour.<br />

711 H. viscida Bl.<br />

712 Helitiera cochinchinensis (Pierre) Kost.<br />

713 Pterospermum diversifolium Bl.<br />

714 P. heterophyllum. Hance<br />

715 P. truncatolobatum Gagn.<br />

716 Sterculia alata Roxb.<br />

717 S. hymenocalyx K. Schum<br />

718 S. hyposticta Miq.<br />

719 S. lanceolata Cav.<br />

103. Symplocaceae<br />

720 Symplocos adenophylla Wall. ex O. Don<br />

721 S. anomala Brand.<br />

722 S. cochinchinensis (Lour.) Nooteb.<br />

723 S. disepala Guill.<br />

724 S. lanceolata Sieb. & Zucc<br />

725 S. paniculata (Thunb.) Druce<br />

726 S. pendula Wight.<br />

104. <strong>The</strong>aceae<br />

727 Adinandra annamensis Gagn.<br />

728 A. rubropunctata Merr. & Chun<br />

729 Camellia assimilis Champ. ex Benth.<br />

730 C. dormoyana (Pierr.) Senly<br />

731 C. sinensis (L.) O. Ktze<br />

732 Eurya cerasifolia (D.Don) Kob.<br />

733 E. annamensis Gagn.<br />

734 E. cerasifolia (D. Don.) Kob.<br />

735 E. tonkinensis Gagn.<br />

736 Godonia tonkinensis Pit.<br />

737 Pyrenaria poilaneana Gagn.<br />

738 Schima wallichii DC. Korth.<br />


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