The Biodiversity of Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve - Birdlife ...

The Biodiversity of Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve - Birdlife ...

The Biodiversity of Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve - Birdlife ...


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617 C. suffruticosa Ridl.<br />

92. Rosaceae<br />

618 Photinia prunifolia (H & A.) Lindl.<br />

619 Prunus arborea (Hook.f.) Kalm.<br />

620 Raphiolepsis indica (L.) Lindl. ex ker.<br />

621 Rubus asper Wall. ex Don<br />

622 R. cochinchinensis Card.<br />

623 R. moluccanus (Bl.) Kalm.<br />

624 R. multibracteatus Levl. & Van<br />

625 R. niveus Thunb.<br />

626 R. pavifolius L.<br />

93. Rubiaceae<br />

627 Canthium grabrum Bl.<br />

628 Fagerlindia depauperata (Drake) Tirv.<br />

629 Gardenia angustifolia (L.) Merr.<br />

630 Hedyotis biflora (L.) Lam<br />

631 H. corymbosa (L.) Lam<br />

632 H. diffusa Willd.<br />

633 H. grandis (Pit.)<br />

634 H. vestica R. Br. ex G. Don<br />

635 Ixora chinensis Lam.<br />

636 I. finlaysoniana Wall.<br />

637 Lasianthus condorensis Pierre ex Pit<br />

638 Morinda citifolia L.<br />

639 Mussaenda aptera Pit.<br />

640 M. cambodiana Pierre.<br />

641 Neonauclea purpurea (Roxb.) Merr<br />

642 Oxyceros vidalii Tirw.<br />

643 Paederia scandens (Lour.) Merr.<br />

644 Psychotria rubra (Lour.) Poit.<br />

645 P. samentosa Bl.<br />

646 Randia canthioides Champ.<br />

647 R. spinosa Bl.<br />

648 Saposma annamense Pierre<br />

649 Uncaria homomalla Miq<br />

650 Wendlandia paniculata (Roxb.) DC<br />

94. Rutaceae<br />

651 Acronychia pedunculata (L.) Miq.<br />

652 Atalantia sessiliflora Guill.<br />

653 Citrus aurantifolia (Chritm.) Sw.<br />

654 C. deliciosa Ten<br />

655 C. grandis (Lour.) Osb.<br />

656 C. limonia Osb.<br />

657 C. nobilis Lour<br />

658 Clausena indica (Dez.) Oliv.<br />


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