The Biodiversity of Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve - Birdlife ...

The Biodiversity of Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve - Birdlife ...

The Biodiversity of Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve - Birdlife ...


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421 Orthosiphon spiralis (Lour.) Merr.<br />

422 Perilla frutescens (Thunb.) Hand.-Mazz.<br />

423 Salvia plebeia R. Br.<br />

63. Lauraceae<br />

424 Alsecodaphne tonkinensis Liouho<br />

425 Beilschmiedia ferruginea Liouho<br />

426 Caryodapnosis tonkinensis (Lec.) A. Shaw<br />

427 Cassytha filiformis L.<br />

428 Cinnamomum glaucescens (Buch. Hamilt.) Drury<br />

429 C. scalarinervium Kost<br />

430 C. parthenocylon Meissn.<br />

431 C. bejolgota (Buch.-Ham.) Sweet.<br />

432 C. camphora (L.) J. S. Prest<br />

433 C. balansae Lec.<br />

434 Cryptocarya annamensis Allen.<br />

435 C. ferrea Bl.<br />

436 C. petelotii Kost.<br />

437 Dehaasia triandra Merr.<br />

438 Ediandra rubescens (Bl.) Mi<br />

439 Lindera chunii Merr.<br />

440 Litsea balansae Lec.<br />

441 L. cubeba (Lour.) Pers.<br />

442 L. glutinosa (Lour.) Rob.<br />

443 Machilus platycarpa Chun.<br />

444 Neolitsea chuii Merr.<br />

445 Persea velutina (Champ.) Kost.<br />

446 Phoebe attenuata Necc.<br />

447 P. sheareri Gamble<br />

64. Leaceae<br />

448 Leea indica (Burm.f.) Merr.<br />

449 L. thorelli Gagn.<br />

450 L. manillensis Walp.<br />

451 L. rubra Bl. ex Spreng.<br />

65. Lecythidaceae<br />

452 Barringtonia acutangula (L.) Gaertn.<br />

453 B. eberhardtii Gagn.<br />

454 B. macrocarpa Hassk.<br />

66. Loganiaceae<br />

455 Gelsemium elegans (Gardn. & Champ.) Benth.<br />

456 Fagraea fragrans Roxb.<br />

457 F. auriculata Jack.<br />

458 Strychnos angustifolia Benth.<br />

459 S. ignatii Bergius<br />

460 S. ovata Hill<br />

461 S. vanpruckii<br />


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