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cells, or the thickening may be unequally distributed and modify<br />

the usual cell form. (PI. I, Fig. i.) Aplanospores are formed by<br />

the contraction of the contents of vegetative cells and the growth<br />

of a new and distinctive spore wall.<br />

The "spore wall" is really a complex of three to five walls, one<br />

or more of which may be variously sculptured or ornamented.<br />

The outer wall is of cellulose and is usually colorless and trans-<br />

parent. Sometimes the outer wall is made up of two colorless<br />

layers, either of which may be thick and sculptured. The median<br />

spore wall at maturity is distinguished by its yellow to chestnut<br />

brown color resulting from chitinous deposits in or on the cellu-<br />

lose. This is the spore wall most frequently sculptured and ornamented.<br />

In some species the median wall also consists of two<br />

distinct chitinous layers. The inner spore wall is a thin cellulose<br />

layer lining the median wall and seldom seen, except when the<br />

spores are crushed. The median and the outer walls have a suture,<br />

more or less distinct, encircling the spore. At the time of germi-<br />

nation these walls split along this line, while the inner wall<br />

enlarges with the protoplast and becomes the wall of the one<br />

celled sporeling. The walls of zygospores are similar to those of<br />

aplanospores.<br />

The forms of Spirogyra spores are of three general types:<br />

ellipsoid (like an American football), ovoid (like a watermelon),<br />

and lenticular (a compressed spheroid). These forms may be<br />

slightly modified by elongation or compression but the curvatures<br />

of the polar ends remain the same. Usually there is no difficulty<br />

in recognizing the spore form of the 155 species with ellipsoid<br />

spores, and the 77 species with ovoid spores. There are 13 species,<br />

however, in which there is greater variation, and the form may<br />

be on either side of the border line between ovoid and ellipsoid.<br />

These are usually cared for in the keys by listing under both types.<br />

Compressed-ellipsoid, and compressed-ovoid spores are rare but<br />

do occur. The deviation of "lenticular" spores (30 species) from<br />

the form of a sphere may be as slight as an orange, or as great as<br />

a pocket watch. Obviously such spores are nearly circular in face<br />

view, and ovoid in side view.<br />

Conjugating tubes are usually formed by both gametangia<br />

(228 species) but in 31 species they are outgrowths of the male<br />

gametangia. In a few species in which the receptive gametangia<br />

become greatly distended the part of the tubes formed by them

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