David Oistrahhi Festival, 12. – 25. juuli, 2009, Pärnu David Oistrakh ...

David Oistrahhi Festival, 12. – 25. juuli, 2009, Pärnu David Oistrakh ...

David Oistrahhi Festival, 12. – 25. juuli, 2009, Pärnu David Oistrakh ...


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muusikadirektori ametis ja sõlmis uue töölepingu ka Haagi<br />

Residentie-Orkesti peadirigendi kohale Hollandis. Järvi on<br />

juhatanud kõiki tuntumaid sümfooniaorkestreid Euroopas,<br />

Põhja-Ameerikas, Jaapanis ja Austraalias ning olnud oodatud<br />

ooperidirigent mainekates teatrimajades nii Euroopas kui<br />

Põhja- ja Lõuna-Ameerikas. Oma karjääri jooksul on ta<br />

juhatanud kokku 157 orkestrit. Ta on oma orkestrid teinud<br />

rahvusvaheliselt kõrgelt tunnustatuks nii kontserdireiside kui<br />

ka plaadistustega. Järvi on 417 salvestusega kaasaja üks enim<br />

plaadistanud dirigent.<br />

Kaheksa aastat, aastatel 2000<strong>–</strong>2008 juhendas Neeme Järvi suviti<br />

<strong>Pärnu</strong>s rahvusvahelist dirigentide meistrikursust. Tänavusel<br />

festivalil astub maestro dirigendipulti, juhatades Üle-Eestilist<br />

Noorte Sümfooniaorkestrit.<br />

The best-known contemporary Estonian conductor Neeme<br />

Järvi studied conducting and percussion at the Tallinn Music<br />

School, and orchestra and opera conducting at the Leningrad<br />

Conservatoire. He graduated in the class of Professor Nikolay<br />

Rabinovich in 1960. He started to work as a conductor in Tallinn<br />

and continued his postgraduate studies under the guidance of<br />

Evgeny Mravinsky. He was in 1960<strong>–</strong>1979 a conductor and the<br />

chief conductor of the current Estonian National Symphony<br />

Orchestra (ERSO, under his lead the orchestra was given its<br />

national status); 1963<strong>–</strong>1975 the chief conductor of the Opera<br />

and Ballet Theatre “Estonia” (now the Estonian National<br />

Opera). In 1971 he was awarded the 1st prize at Santa Cecilia<br />

Academy international competition in Rome.<br />

interpreedid/interpreters<br />

Neeme Järvi and his family left the Soviet Estonia for the USA in<br />

1980 and have lived there ever since. He was the chief conductor<br />

of the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra 1982<strong>–</strong>2004 and the<br />

chief conductor of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra 1984<strong>–</strong><br />

1988 (now he is the conductor of honour of both orchestras).<br />

He was the first guest conductor of the City of Birmingham<br />

Symphony Orchestra and is the chief guest conductor of the<br />

Japan Philharmonic Orchestra in Tokyo till today. In 1990 he<br />

became the musical director and chief conductor of the Detroit<br />

Symphony Orchestra. He laid down his duties in June 2005<br />

when the orchestra organised a farewell festival (he was<br />

made the orchestra’s Musical Director Emeritus). From autumn<br />

2005 he is the musical director of the New Jersey Symphony<br />

Orchestra (USA) and he was designated as the chief conductor<br />

of the Hague Residentie-Orchestra in the Netherlands.<br />

Neeme Järvi and his wife Liilia have three children <strong>–</strong> conductors<br />

Paavo Järvi and Kristjan Järvi, and flutist Maarika Järvi;<br />

and for now six grandchildren.<br />

8 years, from 2000<strong>–</strong>2008, Neeme Järvi was running the international<br />

conductors’ master courses in <strong>Pärnu</strong> which took place<br />

in the framework of the <strong>David</strong> <strong>Oistrakh</strong> <strong>Festival</strong>. This year<br />

maestro will step on the stage as the conductor of the Estonian<br />

National Youth Symphony Orchestra.

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