David Oistrahhi Festival, 12. – 25. juuli, 2009, Pärnu David Oistrakh ...

David Oistrahhi Festival, 12. – 25. juuli, 2009, Pärnu David Oistrakh ...

David Oistrahhi Festival, 12. – 25. juuli, 2009, Pärnu David Oistrakh ...


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interpreedid/interpreters<br />

2007/08 tema käe all Bergi „Wozzeck“, Offenbachi „Hoffmanni<br />

lood“ ning Mozarti „Don Giovanni“, 2008/09 Wagneri<br />

„Tannhäuser“, Charpentier’ „Louise“ ning balletiõhtu Glassi,<br />

Rahmaninovi ja Raveli muusikale. Lisaks sellele juhatab ta<br />

arvukaid sümfooniakontserte, ta on seisnud paljude Eesti ja<br />

Saksamaa orkestrite ees ning juhatanud festivalidel Iirimaal ja<br />

Itaalias.<br />

Estonian conductor Mihkel Kütson (1971) studied at the<br />

Estonian Academy of Music and University of Music and<br />

Drama in Hamburg, Germany, where he completed his<br />

studies in conductorship under Prof. Klauspeter Seibel. He has<br />

furthered his skills under German Music Council programme<br />

Dirigentenforum, taking part in many mastercourses (Kurt<br />

Masur, Fabio Luis etc). He has won prizes both in choir and<br />

orchestra conducting competitions and in October 2006 he<br />

was the first conductor to receive a new prize for German<br />

conductors <strong>–</strong> Deutsche Dirigentenpreis, which gave him a chance<br />

to lead the Deutsche Sinfonie-Orchester Berlin in the great hall<br />

of Berlin Philharmony.<br />

Mihkel Kütson has been active mostly in opera and theatre<br />

world, his repertoire consists of more than 50 operas. He<br />

has worked as a conductor in Hamburg Junge Forum Music<br />

Theatre, as a music director and principal conductor in the State<br />

Theatre of „Vanemuine“ in Estonia, as a guest conductor in<br />

Düsseldorf Deutsche Oper am Rhein and from 2007/08 season<br />

he was appointed Generalmusikdirektor at Landestheater und<br />

Sinfonieorchester Schleswig-Holstein. During the first season<br />

there he premiered operas such Berg’s „Wozzeck“, Offenbach’s<br />

„The Tales of Hoffmann“ and Mozart’s „Don Giovanni“. During<br />

the last season 2008/09 he directed Wagner’s „Tannhäuser“ and<br />

Charpentier’s „Louise“ and a ballet evening on the music of<br />

Glass, Rachmaninoff and Ravel. He also conducts numerous<br />

symphony concerts regularly, he has performed with many<br />

orchestras from Estonia and Germany and been invited to<br />

festivals in Ireland and Italy.<br />

Austraallanna Genevieve Lacey on<br />

plokkflöödivirtuoos, kes on õppinud<br />

muusikat ja inglise kirjandust<br />

Melbourne’i Ülikoolis Austraalias,<br />

Schola Cantorum Basiliensis’es<br />

Šveitsis ja Carl Nielseni nimelises<br />

Muusikaakadeemias Taanis. Tema<br />

repertuaar hõlmab kümmet sajandit<br />

ja kes osaleb niihästi keskaegses<br />

duos Poul H¸xbroga, esinemistes the<br />

Black Arm Band’iga kui Liza Lim’i<br />

ooperis „The Navigator“. <strong>2009</strong>. aastal astub ta üles Roomas,<br />

Moskvas, Tallinnas, Oslos, Huddersfieldis, Melbourne’is,<br />

Sydneys ja Thursday Island’il. Genevieve Laceyl on pikk<br />

plaadistamisajalugu firmaga ABC Classics ja tema uusim<br />

album „weaver of fictions“ ilmus aastal 2008.<br />

Kontserdisolistina on Genevieve Lacey esinenud mitmete

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