Biblioteca Esoterica Esonet.ORG http://www.esonet.ORG 1

Biblioteca Esoterica Esonet.ORG http://www.esonet.ORG 1

Biblioteca Esoterica Esonet.ORG http://www.esonet.ORG 1


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<strong>Biblioteca</strong> <strong>Esoterica</strong> <strong>Esonet</strong>.<strong>ORG</strong><br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>www</strong>.<strong>esonet</strong>.<strong>ORG</strong><br />

organization, according to the complex, impersonal rhythms of an immense cycle of<br />

changes and transformations. (I shall discuss the subjective aspect of the postmortem<br />

processes in Chapter II.)<br />

Passage through the Gate of Silence takes on a different aspect, however, when we<br />

think of the human state as the embodiment of one of the four phases of the cosmic and<br />

metacosmic (Day and Night) cycle of being. This "human" phase leads to a new one, to<br />

which the term inistence refers. The human phase, however, refers to humanity-as-awhole,<br />

or more generally and archetypally.to Man (Anthropos) as a functional part (or<br />

level) of the total being of the earth. (In the next chapter I shall outline the sequence of<br />

developments marking the slow but progressive evolution of humanity-as-a-whole<br />

toward the final condition of Illumined Man and the passage through the Gate of Silence<br />

— the ultimate phase of "human history" at the planetary "end of time," "Last Day," or<br />

omega state.)<br />

What follows this final condition of Illumined Man — and what individuals who even<br />

now constitute the far-advanced spearhead of human evolution already are experiencing<br />

— should not be considered a negation of being. From the point of view of Wholeness, the<br />

two opposite principles of Unity and Multiplicity, symmetrically waxing and waning, are<br />

equally significant. 21 Each principle should be understood as an affirmation of being, be it<br />

a subjective, contracting or an objective, expansionistic affirmation; an affirmation of the<br />

experience of unity (selfhood) in terms of consciousness or an affirmation of the feeling of<br />

space-conquest through the spreading differentiation of energy.<br />

In the cycle of the seasons, these two types of affirmation correspond to the summer<br />

and winter solstices. They reach their most characteristic and powerful formulations at the<br />

symbolic Midday and Midnight of the entire cycle of Wholeness. Midnight symbolizes the<br />

predominance of the principle of Unity. All there is is condensed within what I call the<br />

Godhead state. Yet this Godhead is not "the Absolute." Neither is it "One without a<br />

second," nor does it transcend the Movement of Wholeness. Wholeness, being allinclusive,<br />

has a place for the Godhead as it has for all living beings and for Man — Man<br />

considered as an archetype and as a particular phase of the all encompassing cycle of<br />

being. The Godhead is the culmination of being in terms of Unity, but it is not a Supreme<br />

Being. Natural Man (the symbolic Noon) is the culmination of being in terms of the most<br />

extreme differentiation possible during the Day hemicycle of existence. It is thus the<br />

triumph of Multiplicity and also of what we call nature. The term Natural Man therefore<br />

refers to a vast number (a multiplicity) of human beings.<br />

When I speak of Godhead, I do not mean what some great mystics like Meister Eckart<br />

meant by the term or what Hindu philosophers named Parabrahman (the unmanifest<br />

aspect of Brahman) — to them the "Supreme Reality." The term refers to supreme<br />

condition, but it is a conditon of supreme Unity, and Unity is no more absolutely "real"<br />

21 Of course metaphysicians can argue as to whether Unity and Multiplicity are two aspects of Wholeness, or<br />

if Wholeness is the result of cyclic interaction. It is like arguing about what came first, the chicken or the egg.<br />


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