Biblioteca Esoterica Esonet.ORG http://www.esonet.ORG 1

Biblioteca Esoterica Esonet.ORG http://www.esonet.ORG 1

Biblioteca Esoterica Esonet.ORG http://www.esonet.ORG 1


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<strong>Biblioteca</strong> <strong>Esoterica</strong> <strong>Esonet</strong>.<strong>ORG</strong><br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>www</strong>.<strong>esonet</strong>.<strong>ORG</strong><br />

In a planetary sense (that is, referring to humanity as a whole), the original great<br />

Avatar embodies, as it were, the archetype of Man (Anthropos). But he may do so only<br />

superphysically, and the term "reflects" or "focuses into the planetary field" may be more<br />

appropriate than "embodies." In either case, what the first great Avatar "reflects" is the<br />

"vision" or "imagination" that arose in the Godhead state at the symbolic Midnight — the<br />

divine image of Man. But at the symbolic Noon, the "image" is as yet imprecise and<br />

unlimited by "form"; it is more a Quality (or rather a vast complex of spiritual Qualities)<br />

than a form. Religious mystics and poets have tried to express the character of this<br />

Midnight "image" in the "mind" of the Godhead by projecting it onto the sky as the<br />

"Heavenly Man" whose form was imaginatively and symbolically defined by<br />

constellations of stars. This Heavenly Man, however, was a latter-day religious projection<br />

of the archetype Man that already had "descended" into the earth-field with the coming of<br />

the Kumaras or Promethean spirits. Nevertheless, I do not believe that the central figure in<br />

the Hindu version of this descent, Sanat Kumara, should be considered the Supreme<br />

Avatar. Rather, he brought down the archetype Man to the sphere of the earth, anchoring<br />

it in the substance of the globe at the mystic place Buddhist tradition calls Shambhala.<br />

In a somewhat different way, the process of embodiment of the archetype Man into<br />

the crude physical organisms of human beings then controlled by biological energies may<br />

be represented in Genesis 6 in the story of the "sons of God" (Ben Elohim) who married<br />

"the daughters of man" giving rise to a race of "giants." As the Creator-God Elohim refers<br />

to a "Host" of beings, so the term Avatar may be understood most significantly as a series<br />

of manifestations, emanations, or interventions of the Godhead state (the state of<br />

maximum Unity) throughout the whole period of the actualization of the archetype Man.<br />

For this reason, when I use the term Avatar here, I mean the series of great Avatars. In the<br />

past I have used the term "the avataric process" to refer to this continuing yet periodic<br />

process. This process occurs between the symbolic Noon and Sunset.<br />

The function of the Avatar is to "inject" into the consciousness of successive races and<br />

cultures — to graft upon their collective consciousness — one aspect of the archetype after<br />

another. The Avatar is able to do so (at least to some degree) because the power of the<br />

Godhead is focused into or through the core of his being. He reveals to evolving mankind<br />

one "Name" of God (one fundamentally human spiritual Quality) after another. Each<br />

avataric "revelation" becomes the basis for the set of great symbols and images (Urbilder)<br />

that ensouls a culture-whole.<br />

In a different sense, every human being who becomes identified with his or her<br />

individual archetype can be called the avatar of this archetypal reality which (as we shall<br />

see in Part Three) is itself only the "form" taken by a spiritual Quality — that is, by one of<br />

the immensely numerous aspects of the Creative God, one "Letter" of the creative Word<br />

(the Logos). Such a human being has reached the condition of Illumined Man; the "divine<br />

Marriage" between a spiritual Quality and a perfectly adequate human vehicle for it has<br />

been consummated in him or her. The illumined being has reached this condition as an<br />

individual, ahead of the masses of mankind. At the close of a large planetary cycle of the<br />

earth's evolution, all traditions tell us, a more or less large number of such fully<br />

individualized persons will have reached this stage. They will constitute a spiritual Race<br />


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