Biblioteca Esoterica Esonet.ORG http://www.esonet.ORG 1

Biblioteca Esoterica Esonet.ORG http://www.esonet.ORG 1

Biblioteca Esoterica Esonet.ORG http://www.esonet.ORG 1


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The Inevitability of Success and Failure - 2<br />

<strong>Biblioteca</strong> <strong>Esoterica</strong> <strong>Esonet</strong>.<strong>ORG</strong><br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>www</strong>.<strong>esonet</strong>.<strong>ORG</strong><br />

The two basic causes of failure<br />

The deepest roots of failure are formed at the two great turning points of the Movement of<br />

Wholeness — the symbolic Midnight (when the principle of Unity reaches its climax) and<br />

the Noon-hour (when the principle of Multiplicity is nearly all-powerful). At these two<br />

points, a reversal of the dynamic character and the duality of the motion must occur. The<br />

ever-changing relationship between the principles of Unity and Multiplicity had become<br />

either interiorized or exteriorized in and through forms. These forms have by then<br />

acquired inertia, and inertia inevitably presents an obstacle to the necessary repolarization<br />

and redirection of the motion. Whatever expresses or identifies itself with this inertia<br />

generates the seeds of failure.<br />

At the level of ethical judgment, failure manifests as the direct or indirect source of<br />

"evil." But evil and failure are fundamentally the result of not taking the new evolutionary<br />

step. The original sins are actually "sins of omission." What is not done when the dharma<br />

demands that it should be done inevitably leads, sooner or later, to inherently destructive<br />

acts, to "sins of commission." Individuals (or collectivities of individuals) who do not go<br />

ahead with the Movement of Wholeness fall behind, to some extent blocking the path for<br />

those who come after them; they may even induce a contagious movement of retreat.<br />

Because two great moments of repolarization occur in the Movement, two kinds of<br />

resistance are possible: resistance belonging to the Night hemicycle of subjective being and<br />

resistance belonging to the Day hemicycle human consciousness interprets as the<br />

objective, existential world. Metaphysicians and occultists thus have alluded to two basic<br />

kinds of failure and evil; "cosmic evil" and "existential evil."<br />

Cosmic evil is rooted in the subjective resistance of centers of consciousness who<br />

refuse, as it were, to accept the crucial change at the symbolic Midnight, when the trend<br />

toward what seems to be the possibility of absolute oneness must be reversed by the<br />

outflow of Compassion calling for a new world dominated by the principle of Multiplicity.<br />

The "resisters" are so powerfully drawn toward what seems to them the goal of absolute<br />

oneness that they refuse to identify themselves with the Compassion of the Godhead state.<br />

In Mahayana Buddhism these resisters are called Pratyeka Buddhas, Buddhas of spiritual<br />

selfishness. The one-pointed, utterly concentrated will of these beings — the will to reach<br />

Nirvana (the state of oneness) — makes it impossible for them to "remember" the failures<br />

of the world in which they were able to reach a limited kind of Illumination — perhaps<br />

even in some cases using human beings who had a tendency to fail as means to reach their<br />

own spiritual goal.<br />

Compassion in the Godhead state demands that all the failures, partial or total, of the<br />

half-cycle that began with the advent of Natural Man be collectively remembered.<br />

Condensed into an all-inclusive "memory," all the negative reactions to evolutionary<br />

charge that had occurred during the human period of the cycle have to be faced. Out of<br />

this confrontation total Compassion emerges. This gives rise to the subjective, supramental<br />

Idea of a new universe in which all that partially or totally failed in the old universe is to<br />

be given a "second chance" to reach perfect Illumination and the Pleroma condition of<br />


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