Biblioteca Esoterica Esonet.ORG http://www.esonet.ORG 1

Biblioteca Esoterica Esonet.ORG http://www.esonet.ORG 1

Biblioteca Esoterica Esonet.ORG http://www.esonet.ORG 1


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<strong>Biblioteca</strong> <strong>Esoterica</strong> <strong>Esonet</strong>.<strong>ORG</strong><br />

<strong>http</strong>://<strong>www</strong>.<strong>esonet</strong>.<strong>ORG</strong><br />

The Four Crucial Phases of the Cycle of Being - 1<br />

To speak of the beginning of a cycle in which every phase follows another in a<br />

continuum of changes with a repetitive structure implies that, though we are sufficiently<br />

objective to the cycle to be able to consider it as a whole, we are looking at it from the<br />

point of view of our particular position in it. The Movement of Wholeness itself has<br />

neither beginning nor end; it is a continuum of change which the human mind interprets<br />

as a series of moments in which events occur, every event being related to antecedent<br />

events and conditioning subsequent ones. What human beings call the first event of a<br />

series, its assumed "beginning," is the one before which no other (normally) can be known,<br />

because any antecedent belongs to a category (or level) transcending that of the knower's<br />

consciousness. Nevertheless, any "beginning" occurs as a result of impulses and<br />

determining factors which occurred at that transcendent level — and these in turn were<br />

determined by still previous occurrences. Every phase of a cycle whose structure is<br />

repetitive is related to every other phase, even though the events through which the<br />

phases operate need not be repeated exactly.<br />

Human beings usually interpret the relation between events in terms of cause and<br />

effect. Nevertheless the concept of causality is not the most significant (because not the<br />

most inclusive) frame of reference within which to define the relatedness of all that occurs<br />

within the cycle of being. A more holistic interpretation reveals that the cycle as a whole<br />

constantly acts upon its components and constituent phases. During the Day hemicycle, it<br />

does so by readjusting the centrifugal tenancies inherent in individual forms of existence<br />

and in relationships between them. Christianity interprets this readjusting activity of<br />

Wholeness as divine Providence. Yet, however we formulate a deeper, more holistic<br />

interpretation of the readjustment, it operates through individuals, who operate as agents<br />

or catalysts for it. In Mahayana Buddhism, the immense compassion of liberated<br />

Bodhisattvas is said somehow to absorb (insofar as the overall cycle allows) the centrifugal<br />

activities of human beings unable to serenely fulfill their places and functions (dharma) in<br />

the planetary process of human evolution. In Hinduism, Avatars like Krishna periodically<br />

incarnate to restore the dharma, that is, to restructure the process of evolution.<br />

Karma, if considered the cause-and-effect relation binding together the activities of<br />

human beings, is a valid concept where causal sequences can be given an objective<br />

meaning. This occurs in the world .of measurements — which is also that of quid pro quo<br />

("This for that," "An eye for an eye," and so on) — the world dominated by the principle of<br />

Multiplicity; and the concept is essentially atomistic. It had to be formulated in such a way<br />

to meet the need of a humanity essentially in danger of being destructured by a<br />

centrifugal, egocentric individualism. This danger is inevitable; it characteristically defines<br />

the nature of the human state of being, which in turn refers to the section of the cyclic<br />

process witnessing the rise of the principle of Unity.<br />

The waxing of the principle of Multiplicity, which overtakes the power of the principle<br />

of Unity following Creation at the symbolic Sunrise, can be interpreted as the increase of<br />

randomness in the world of objective existence; but after the symbolic Noon, when the<br />

trend toward Unity begins to increase, order gradually overcomes disorder. What human<br />


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