Volume - The Clarence Darrow Collection

Volume - The Clarence Darrow Collection

Volume - The Clarence Darrow Collection


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INDEX.<br />

knowledge, 25. Origin of many Christian<br />

dogmas not to be found in, 31.<br />

Hebrew, its influence on the study of<br />

nature, 32. Study of the formation of<br />

the canon of, ii, 388. See also Bible<br />

and Testament.<br />

Scrofula, cure of, by king's touch, ii,<br />

46.<br />

Sculpture, cathedral, its preservation of<br />

theology, i, i, 3, and note, 11, 36. Its<br />

embodiment of the fear of magic, 383.<br />

Of ideas of Satan, ii, 135.<br />

Sculpture in early Egypt, i, 260, 261.<br />

Searle, G. M., cited, i, 88, note.<br />

Sebastian, St., value of his relics, ii, 2g.<br />

Plague caused by the wrath of, 72.<br />

In-<br />

tercession of, against the plague, 87.<br />

Sebillot, cited, ii, 211, note ; 218, note.<br />

Secchi, Father, his pendulum experiment,<br />

i, 157-<br />

Secondary causes, doctrine of, condemned<br />

by the Church, i, 56.<br />

Sedgwick,<br />

denunciation of him as an<br />

infidel, i, 223. His Life and Letters,<br />

cited, 87, note ; 225, note.<br />

See, Prof., attack of theologians on, i,<br />

409, 410.<br />

Seetzen, Ulrich, his investigation into<br />

the Dead Sea myths, ii, 248, 249, 254.<br />

Cited, 254, note.<br />

Segor, signification of the name, ii, 229.<br />

Segor, Bishop of, on the permanence of<br />

Lot's wife, ii, 227.<br />

Seguier, his opposition to the witch persecution,<br />

ii, 123.<br />

Segur, on Darwinism, i, 73, 81. Cited,<br />

77, note.<br />

Self-mutilation, Origen on, ii, 297.<br />

Seinelaigne, cited, ii, 99, note ; 106,<br />

note ; 136, note.<br />

Semler, his attempt at compromise between<br />

scientific and theological views<br />

regarding comets, i, 205.<br />

Seneca, his failure to mention any eclipse<br />

at the time of the crucifixion, i, 173.<br />

His declaration regarding comets, 178,<br />

197, 204. His attempt to explain<br />

storms, 323. On the taking of interest,<br />

ii, 265. Cited, i, 172, note ; 173, note.<br />

Sennacherib, thunderbolts employed to<br />

destroy, i, 333.<br />

Sennert, Andreas, on the divine origin<br />

of Hebrew, ii, 185. Cited, 188, note.<br />

Sens, Council of, its condemnation of<br />

Abelard, ii, 302.<br />

Septuagint, myths regarding, ii, 289, 290.<br />

Seraphim, an order of the first hierarchy<br />

of angels, i, 119.<br />

Sermon on the Mount, alleged condemnation<br />

of usury in, ii, 265.<br />

serpent, reason for the creation of, i, 23.<br />

461<br />

Condition of, before the fall of Adam,<br />

29, 30. Fabulous accounts of, 33. Its<br />

original form, 221. Excommunication<br />

of, ii, 113. Influence on belief in demoniacal<br />

possession of the story of Satan's<br />

entrance into, 113. Region of<br />

the Dead Sea infested by, 237. Mystic<br />

significance of its condemnation' to<br />

eat dust, 2gy.<br />

de Serres, his exploration of caverns in<br />

France, i, 270.<br />

Servetus, his statement of geographical<br />

truth employed against him by Calvin,<br />

i, 112, 113; ii, 237. His edition of<br />

Ptolemy's Geography, i, 113. His edition<br />

of Ptolemy, cited, ii, 237, note.<br />

Settele, Canon, his work on astronomy<br />

accepting the Copernican system, i,<br />

156.<br />

Seven, mystic virtues of the number, i,<br />

6, 50, 396 ; ii, 296, 300.<br />

Seventy-two, mystical theories regarding<br />

the number, i, 396.<br />

Sewall, Justice, his sorrow for having<br />

condemned witches to death, ii, 154.<br />

Shakespeare, on the portent of heavenly<br />

bodies, i, 176, 181. His allusion to<br />

madmen, ii, 129 ; to the taking of<br />

interest, 275. Cited, i, 176, note; ii,<br />

129, note ; 277, note.<br />

Shaler, influence of Agassiz on, i, 69.<br />

Shamanism, a stage in man's religious<br />

development, i, 321.<br />

Sharp, G., cited, ii, 139, note.<br />

Sharpe, S., cited, i, 95, note ; 120, note ;<br />

ii, 3, note ; 376, note.<br />

Sharpe, T., cited, ii, iii, note.<br />

Sheep, description of, among the animals<br />

of Holy Scripture, i, 40.<br />

Shell-heaps of Denmark, remains of prehistoric<br />

man found in, i, 292.<br />

Shetland Isles, epidemic of convulsions<br />

in, ii, 157.<br />

Shew-bread, mystic significance of, i, 94 ;<br />

ii, 294.<br />

Shields, C. W., cited, i, 128, note ; 129,<br />

note ; 148, note ; 210, note ; 234, note ;<br />

237, note ; 243, note.<br />

Shinar, building of the Tower of Babel<br />

on the plain of, ii, 171.<br />

Short's Lexicon, cited, ii, 136, note.<br />

Shrubs, transformation of living beings<br />

into, ii, 2ig.<br />

Shuckford, Dr., on the naming<br />

of the<br />

animals by Adam, ii, 195.<br />

Shunamite damsel, allegorical significance<br />

of, ii, 298.<br />

Shuttleworth, Bishop, his epigram on<br />

Buckland, i, 232.<br />

Siam, imprint of Buddha's feet on stones<br />

in, ii, 211.

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