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Pages 1-80 - Springfield-Greene County Library

Pages 1-80 - Springfield-Greene County Library


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Page 66<br />

OFFICE OF 8. & B. AND MAIN-<br />


CHAFFEE. MO.<br />

-<br />

, Reporter<br />

alns caused many<br />

-..--- ".. .,&. -".- Sub. The ditcher<br />

is now worktng between Neelys and<br />

Wlttenberg cleanlng them up.<br />

Extra gangs have resumed work and<br />

are ballasting track between Ten<br />

Brook and Gravols. Barnhart and Cryhtal<br />

Clty. Meniro and Seventy-SIX,<br />

Preparations are beln~ made to Install<br />

track at Festus. Mo., to serve the<br />

new furnlture factory at that Dolntthe<br />

A. L. Randall & Co.<br />

A new passlng track wlll be bullt<br />

south of Ste. Genevieve In the very<br />

near future whlch wlll hold 140 cars.<br />

W. J. Alsobrook and Rang are giv-<br />

Ing mechanlcal bulldlngs at Chaffee a-<br />

general overhaultng at thls tlme.<br />

E. W. Segraves and gang, wlth Pfle<br />

Driver 99063 are redrlving several<br />

brldges on the line whlch was known<br />

as the Bt. Loula. Kennett & Southeastern<br />

-.. untll It was purchased last<br />

Pall by the Frlsco.<br />

Foreman Balley and gang flnlehed<br />

Brlde 17.7 last week. whlch 1s the last<br />

bridge on the St. Louls Sub. on the<br />

carry-Over program from 1927.<br />

Ed Cadwallader and gang are repalrlng<br />

and palnting all bulldlngs on<br />

the old Butler <strong>County</strong> Ry.. whlch Is<br />

adding a great deal to the appearance<br />

of our ratlroad.<br />

-<br />

Brldga E.-183.6 over DItCh No. t at<br />

Charter Oak 1s belng bullt for Fore-<br />

man Boyer and gang. Thls Is a large<br />

brldge and It Is dlfflcult to renew<br />

account of posslblllty of heavy ralns<br />

and drlft at thls tlme Of Year.<br />

The 13. & B. departme& closed the<br />

year 1927, wlth flve gangs out of the<br />

eleven not havlnu a slngle personal<br />

lnJury durlng the year.<br />

W. H. Pryor and gang have nnlshed<br />

puttlng down a 6-lnch well 90 feet<br />

deep at Dell. Ark. There 1s no limlt<br />

to the supply of water at that palnt.<br />

Foremen Begraves and Vanzant pass-<br />

ed the fleet of dredge boats throue:<br />

Brldge 276.7 at Lake Clty on February<br />

7th on thelr return trlp north. These<br />

three boats are bulldlng a large levee<br />

on the west slde of the St. Francls<br />

River. both north and south of Lake<br />

City.<br />

The B. & B. devartmrnt lost a very<br />

falthful employe. Mr. Tom Parker. who<br />

died In the Jonesboro hospital on Jan-<br />

uary 26th. two days after an Opera-<br />

tion for a~pendlcltls. Mr. Parker en-<br />

tered the servlce on the J. L. C. & E.<br />

on May 10. 1922. where he served as<br />

brldge carpenter and foreman untll<br />

the J. L. C. & E. Ry.. was taken over<br />

by the Frlsco and since that tlme has<br />

worked as bridge carpenter under<br />

Foreman Xanzant. Parker was well<br />

known and liked by everyone who<br />

knew him.<br />

No man ts his real self until he has<br />

had the opportunity to develop his<br />

powers.<br />

1 Consolidated Cement Corporation<br />


Fredonia Brand Portland Cement<br />




I<br />


PHONE 4-54-15 308-9-10 Lincoln Life Building P. 0. BOX 1909<br />


nmuoau rvraamry bon~radot~<br />


I<br />

Dealan. FabtlcrUon abl EWtML at<br />


P. 0. Box 1275 ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI<br />

1<br />

Sherrill Oil Co.<br />


Fuel 011 In Cars or Over Docks<br />



CHAFFEE, MO.<br />

-<br />

LEOTA FRIEND, Reporter<br />

Cha. Stauslng, atorekee~er and John<br />

Thornbrough. chlef clerk, attended<br />

storekeepers' meeting In Sprlngfleld,<br />

from February 13 to 16.<br />

Charles Thomson of London, Ontario.<br />

who has been vlslilng hls brother, W,<br />

8. Thomson. machlnlst. was called<br />

home due to. lllness of hts mother.<br />

Joe Lltzenfelner seslgned hls position<br />

as stock clerk In store department<br />

and has bought an Interest in a mercantile<br />

business at Conran Missouri.<br />

Mr. Lltzenfelner had ten ye&' servlce<br />

wlth the Frisco. The posltlon of stock<br />

clerk 1s belng nlled temporarily by<br />

Dewey Adams.<br />

Mrs. John Thornbrough has returned<br />

from Kansas Clty where she has been<br />

for the past several weeks due to the<br />

Illness of her father.<br />

Roundhouse employes say that Herman<br />

Norrls, machinlst. has been wearing<br />

a smlle and whlstllng all the latest<br />

jazz tunes the past week due ta<br />

the fact a new daughter put in her<br />

appearance at hls home on Monday,<br />

February 13.<br />

Norman J. Kay rnachlnisl apprentlce,<br />

has been Wan'Bferred to Hayti for<br />

a short period. Norman says he llkes<br />

Haytl flne if only It were not so far<br />

away from Cape Glrardeau.<br />

Miss Glenna Fay Kay spends moat<br />

of her time when off duty, before a<br />

certaln sho~ wlndow UD town whlch<br />

has n dlsplay of new sprlng togs for<br />

laales.<br />

Thlnk Dad Beldert la settlns: ready<br />

for the rodeo Judglng from the cowboy<br />

hat he Is wearing. We are wondering<br />

If he as golng to complete the outfit<br />

and If the chaps and spurs are on<br />

order.<br />

Jesse F. Dudley, sheet metal worker,<br />

returned to work February 15 after<br />

an absence of four manths due to 111ness.<br />

Mr. Dudley wlll be out of hls<br />

time durlnp: February.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hubbard attended<br />

the automoblle show In St. Lauls Monday.<br />

February 13.<br />

Ollver Rlgdon. machlnlst. says he<br />

read an article In the ChaUee Slgnal<br />

recently about bulldlng a hard road<br />

to the <strong>County</strong> Seat from Chatfee. Stuffv<br />

says he wants to endorse thls SUKgestion<br />

since It 1s necessary that he<br />

make frequent vislts to the county<br />

seat.<br />

Clyde Stevens, tank truckman. has<br />

purchased the house of Dewey Adams<br />

on 127 Black Avenue.<br />

Our Office Boy Fred Angel Is dealing<br />

in real estate as a, slde llne. On Nonday,<br />

February 13, he closed a deal<br />

transferring the deed on a house and<br />

lot on Helen Avenue to Irwin Johnson<br />

counter clerk of the store department.<br />

Kansas Clty, Mo.<br />


"Year 'Round Service"<br />

The Pittsburg & Midway<br />

Coal Mining Co.<br />


~enerri Sale8 Offles<br />

Dwight Bulldlng KANSAS CITY. MO. I

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