XXII Annual Scientific Meeting, Tucuman Biology Society ...

XXII Annual Scientific Meeting, Tucuman Biology Society ...

XXII Annual Scientific Meeting, Tucuman Biology Society ...


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192 ABSTRACTS<br />

105.<br />




Budeguer AN, Cajal JC, Morales Abújder EM, Aragón HN, Chelala<br />

de Chaya MS.<br />

Cátedra de Cirugía 1º curso Facultad de Odontología, UNT. Av.<br />

Benjamín Aráoz 800. E-mail: juceca1@yahoo.com.ar<br />

The objective of this work was evaluate through different radiograph<br />

techniques (retro alveolar bisectal, parallaje and parallelism)<br />

all the information about lower third molars’ root structure. Those<br />

techniques were performed to seven patients. Only one observer<br />

did the inform: total number of roots; number of mesials’ roots;<br />

curvature of mesials’ and distals’ roots; and disposition; between<br />

all the Rx techniques previously named. The results show that with<br />

the bisectal and the orthoradial technique, 71,4% of the lower third<br />

molars observed had two roots; when modifying the horizontal<br />

angulations of the central ray, 42,9% of the roots were fusioned<br />

and the 57,1% were separated. With the orthoradial technique, and<br />

the one varied from mesial and distal, 28,6% of the roots were<br />

fusioned and 71.4% were separated. For mesials roots, with bisectal<br />

and Orthoradial technique, 57,1% had only one root, and the 42,9%<br />

left had two roots, but when modifying the angulations from mesial<br />

and distal, 85,7% had one root, and 14,3% had two roots. Conclusion:<br />

A higher percentage of cases where roots are separated is<br />

observed when modifying the angulations of the central ray in<br />

parallaje technique and it also improves the visualization of mesial’s<br />

root curves, all very useful parameters to predict the kind of difficulties<br />

the surgeon could face during surgery.<br />

106.<br />


Fernández de Aráoz DS.<br />

Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia. U.N.T. Av. Roca 1900.<br />

Tucumán. E-mail: deliciasfa@hotmail.com<br />

The Aloes had been used along the human history until our days in<br />

several sicknesses. The aim of this work is detach the aloe medicinal<br />

values and its popular uses, just as a first approximation to later<br />

chemistry and botany studies. A search on bibliography, the most<br />

common uses at folk belief was asked using semi structured interview<br />

at people, dermatology doctors about the way they prepare<br />

the aloe and the results obtained. The two principal products obtained<br />

from the Aloe are: the acíbar and the gel, which are very<br />

different between themselves, as chemical, pharmacology as therapeutic<br />

point of view. The most common Aloe preparations have a<br />

great medicinal value demonstrated by the tissue regeneration at<br />

dermal level results. People obtained excellent results in radiation<br />

cases, in skin dryness, allergies, insect’s bites or nettle. The application<br />

of fresh leaves mitigate the irritation. Eating pieces of fresh<br />

leaves, calm the digestive acidity, at internal uses of Aloe, it is very<br />

difficult demonstrate its efficiency, like in asthma, rheumatic pain,<br />

anemia, kidney infections, cancer, etc. It is very efficient in digestive<br />

disorders and ulcer gastric. The problem in chronic or internal<br />

disease is that the patient does not use only Aloe therapy, but several<br />

at once. This is a first approximation about the Aloe uses in<br />

popular medicine.<br />

BIOCELL 30(1), 2006<br />

107.<br />



Maldonado MC, Balderrama Coca M, Navarro AR.<br />

Instituto de Biotecnología. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y<br />

Farmacia. UNT. Ayacucho 465. (4000) Tucumán, Argentina. Email:<br />

biotec@fbqf.unt.edu.ar<br />

It was studied the antagonistic action between Rhodotorula glutinis,<br />

and pathogenic fungi of lemon: G. candidum, F. moniliforme, A.<br />

clavatus, P. expansum and P. digitatum. Were made solid assays to<br />

evaluate the existence of antagonistic action. A suspension of R.<br />

glutinis (1 x 10 8 UFC/ml) was dispersed all over the surface of<br />

Sabouraud plates, after 1 h at room temperature, was carry out in<br />

the center of the plate a hole, it was filled with 20 ul of phytopathogenic<br />

fungi (1 x 10 4 spores/ml). The plates were incubated during 5<br />

days at 28°C, after this time the percentage of inhibition of phytopathogenic<br />

growth was evaluated. In presence of R. glutinis was<br />

observed a total inhibition of G. candidum growth, (sour rot). There<br />

was also a total inhibition of F. moniliforme growth (saprophytic<br />

fungi of lemon), that produced a cotton-like material and gave bad<br />

aspect to fruits. The growth of A. clavatus, P. expansum and P.<br />

digitatum (green mold) was inhibited among 75-80%. Our next<br />

objective will be determinate the mechanism of action of this<br />

biocontrol agent.<br />

108.<br />



Maldonado MC, Gordillo MA, Navarro AR.<br />

Instituto de Biotecnología. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y<br />

Farmacia. UNT. Ayacucho 465. (4000) Tucumán. E-mail:<br />

biotec@fbqf.unt.edu.ar<br />

It was studied antifungic action of Bacillus spp. metabolites (BM)<br />

by in vivo assays. Assay A: We worked with 3 lots of lemons. The<br />

first lot had farmy lemons (without any treatment), second lot had<br />

lemons treated with NaHCO 3 ,hot water and synthetic antifungic<br />

agentes (SAA). In third lot were lemons treated with NaHCO 3 , hot<br />

water and BM. Assay B: We worked with four lots of lemons. The<br />

first lot had lemons with NaHCO 3 , hot water, SAA and wax. The<br />

second lot had lemons with NaHCO 3 , hot water, SAA and wax.<br />

The third lot had farmy waxed lemons and in the last lot had lemons<br />

treated with BM and wax. All lemons were placed in boxes.<br />

All boxes were placed 3 weeks at 4°C and them one week at room<br />

temperature. The % disease was determinated at 7 – 30 days.<br />

In assay A the lemons treated with BM were infected 30% and the<br />

disease of farmy lemons were 100%. In assay B the lemons treated<br />

with BM were infected 20% while 90% disease of farmy lemons<br />

were observed. In both assays the % disease of lemons treated with<br />

SAA was 0-1%. It was demonstrated that wax have an protective<br />

effect, because the % disease saw in assay B was lower than the<br />

observed in assay A. These results are accord with the obtained,<br />

previously, in vitro assays.

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