Story - Hartwig Distler

Story - Hartwig Distler

Story - Hartwig Distler


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goes into a different mode. As soon as I speak unconsciously the brain goes back into the inversion mode. Of course I tried to find out what<br />

happens, but I don’t have a chance to solve the question. To I change to another brain module? perhaps even the other brain half?<br />

28.11.2008<br />

Duration of break<br />

Whenever I make a short break when exercising then the probability rises fast that I forget what I was dealing about. An example: I count<br />

numbers in intervals, 10, 20, 30, 40 etc. If I do it without a break then it goes without any difficulties. However if I make short breaks (just a<br />

couple of seconds) then I forget relatively fast with what I am dealing. Thus I name “10“, then some seconds of break, then “20“ etc. If I then<br />

simultaneous add another second task e.g. such as 10, a, b, c, d, 20, e, f, g, h, 30, i, j, k, l etc then I get very fast in disorder. Before my illness<br />

such tasks where easy going. Today such tasks cause me greatest difficulties.<br />

29.11.2008<br />

„Math genius“<br />

I bought myself six months after the beginning of my illness “Cogpack”. At the beginning of my illness it took me about two to three day to<br />

finish the math tasks. Some tasks I couldn’t solve at all. After 3 ¼ years I am now at a point that it takes me about two to three hours to solve<br />

the tasks in math. I am very proud on this.<br />

30.11.2008<br />

Oblivion<br />

At the beginning of my illness largest parts of my central and long-term memory were disappeared. Parts of the short term memory recovered<br />

relatively fast again. Of course I still have problems with short term memory, but it is getting better each day. Parts of the medium-term<br />

memory recovered as well, however I still have many deficiencies within this range. The most difficult was the long term memory I couldn’t get<br />

access to it. Until three month ago I couldn’t access it (three years after the beginning of my sickness). And then all of a sudden it was back.<br />

From one day to the next I could access it again. It was just the right key was missing. Finally my past is back again. It is just a matter of<br />

patience and trying again and again to find the right key!

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