Story - Hartwig Distler

Story - Hartwig Distler

Story - Hartwig Distler


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23.03.2009<br />

Schema-Theory<br />

A thing which is still very difficult to me is the understanding of the world. This should become a bit more clearly by the following example. At<br />

the beginning the knowledge is split into several sub-categories. In our example this would be the cloth. Then we go a step farther, we go for<br />

shoes. No I can make a difference between different types of shoes, in that special case, shoes for my self. Now I can make a difference<br />

between different types of shoes. Now again a step further, we go for sport shoes. The next step is the color of the shoes. We still could make<br />

further steps. But this is sufficient for now for my example. As you can see, our knowledge is hierarchically organized. So now I am looking for<br />

a special type of shoes, sport shoes which are colored in black and blue. If I am looking for such shoes and I find them everything is “ok”. But<br />

as soon as I can’t find them, it is hard for me to go one step further and to search for a higher category, i.e. to search for sport shoes or even<br />

general shoes. Here I lack the more general association which does such kind of links. But here as well the important thing is that I have<br />

recognized this and now I can start working on this.<br />

25.03.2009<br />

Writing at the PC<br />

One year ago I started to write very intensively at the PC. I did a lot of courses on the PC. That all happened in the first half year of 2008. By<br />

the time I improved very much. Of course the speed was still very slow, but overall I thought that it was “ok”. At my best times I had a speed of<br />

45 hits per minute. And now I got thee surprise. Today I placed myself at the PC and did one of the exercises for learning writing on the PC.<br />

And now I had from the scratch 140 hits per minute. At these moments I recognize what I have achieved in a year. This is just super!!!!<br />

26.03.2009<br />

Automated Processes<br />

It seems like I lost a lot of automated processes in my brain. I am not sure whether these are really automated processes or just well learned<br />

processes. If I e.g. have to cook coffee it now becomes every time coupled with a lot of mental work. When I had to cook coffee before I<br />

became ill, it all went automated and I had enough time to do something else at the same time. Now after becoming ill, I really have to<br />

concentrate on something and I can only do one thing at the same time. I have to go through every single step and not trying to get disturbed

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