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114<br />

posibile care stau la baza lor şi de a recomanda<br />

modul de monitorizare şi gestionare a efectelor<br />

secundare iat<strong>ro</strong>gene.<br />

Metode<br />

Am identifi cat publicaţiile relevante, printr-o<br />

căutare pe www.sciencedirect.com, între anii 2004-<br />

2012, folosind cuvinte cheie: antipsihotice, antipsihotice<br />

atipice, denumirea individuală a antipsiho<br />

ticului, diabet zaharat, hiperglicemie, obezitate,<br />

sin d<strong>ro</strong>m metabolic, şi am rezumat studiile cheie din<br />

această literatură.<br />

Rezultate<br />

Deşi antipsihoticele sunt piatra de temelie a<br />

tratamentului pentru mai multe boli psihice, aceste<br />

<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>medica</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>mente se asociază în mod semnifi cativ cu<br />

risc crescut de obezitate şi boli cardiovasculare.<br />

Antipsihoticele de generaţia a doua prezintă<br />

riscuri diferite de a p<strong>ro</strong>duce creşterea în greutate şi<br />

alte tulburări metabolice: clozapina şi olanzapina<br />

au riscul cel mai ridicat, quatiapina şi risperidona<br />

un risc moderat, aripiprazolul, amisulprida şi<br />

ziprasidona cel mai redus risc.<br />

Este difi cil de determinat dacă prevalenţa tulburărilor<br />

metabolice este crescută în această populaţie<br />

independent de tratamentul antipsihotic, deoarece<br />

schizofrenia a fost asociată cu diabet zaharat şi tulburări<br />

ale metabolismului glucidic încă înainte de<br />

int<strong>ro</strong>ducerea <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>medica</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>ţiei antipsihotice. Un risc<br />

crescut de diabet zaharat sau scăderea toleranţei la<br />

glucoză la rudele de gradul întâi ale pacienţilor cu<br />

schizofrenie sugerează un <strong>ro</strong>l genetic în relaţia<br />

dintre schizofrenie şi tulburările metabolice.<br />

Unele efecte adverse metabolice au fost corelate<br />

cu afi nităţile pentru neu<strong>ro</strong>transmiţători, şi anume<br />

pentru receptorii: se<strong>ro</strong>toninergici 5-HT2C şi 5-HT1<br />

A, dopaminergici D2, histaminergici H1,α adrenergici<br />

şi muscarinici M<st<strong>ro</strong>ng>3.</st<strong>ro</strong>ng><br />

În plus, antipsihoticele pot modifi ca homeostazia<br />

glucozei prin creşterea secreţiei de insulină.<br />

Caracteristicile individuale ale pacienţilor care<br />

pot predispune la tulburări metabolice includ vârsta<br />

tânără (copii şi adolescenţi), sexul feminin, prima<br />

utilizare a antipsihoticelor, durata lungă a trata mentului,<br />

răspuns clinic bun, indicele de masă cor porală<br />

parental, indicele de masă corporală mare înainte<br />

de primul tratament antipsihotic.<br />

Concluzie<br />

Multe studii au confi rmat potenţialul <st<strong>ro</strong>ng>medica</st<strong>ro</strong>ng>mentelor<br />

antipsihotice de a p<strong>ro</strong>duce sau a declanşa<br />

dereglări metabolice, dar mecanismele farmacologice<br />

care stau la baza asocierii lor cu anomalii<br />

metabolice rămân neclare.<br />


Ultrastructural aspects for understanding<br />

adipogenesis and adipose ti ssue dysfuncti on<br />

related to obesity<br />

G.-V. Mirancea 1 , B. Smeu 2 , A.-M. Mo<strong>ro</strong>sanu 3 ,<br />

C. Copaescu 4 , N. Mirancea 3 , I. Popescu 4 ,<br />

S. Carniciu 5 , C. Ionescu-Tirgoviste 5<br />

1 “Ca<strong>ro</strong>l Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy,<br />

Bucharest, Romania<br />

2 “Delta” Hospital, Bucharest, Romania<br />

3 Insti tute of Biology, Bucharest, Romanian Academy<br />

4 Fundeni Clinical Insti tute, Bucharest, Romania<br />

5 Nati onal Insti tute of Diabetes, Nutriti on and Metabolic<br />

Diseases “N.C. Paulescu” Bucharest, Romania<br />

The major <strong>ro</strong>le of the adipose tissue is to store<br />

energy. Human body has two distinct types of fatstoring<br />

tissues: (1) b<strong>ro</strong>wn adipose tissue (BAT) represented<br />

by adipocytes with multilocular lipid<br />

d<strong>ro</strong>plets and (2) white adipose tissue (WAT) represented<br />

by adipocytes, each with a unilocular huge<br />

lipid d<strong>ro</strong>plet, functioning as a secretory organ that<br />

releases soluble factors, known as adipokines involved<br />

in regulation of some physiological p<strong>ro</strong>cesses.<br />

Irrespective of body location, adipose tissue<br />

consists of (1) mature adipocytes (M A), (2) endothelial<br />

cells and associated pericytes, (3) nerves<br />

and (4) other st<strong>ro</strong>mal cells, which all are sur<strong>ro</strong>unded<br />

by (5) extracellular matrix, mainly represented<br />

by different species of molecules (a) fi brillar organized,<br />

(b) as basement membranes components or<br />

(c) soluble molecules. Mention must be made that,<br />

in some circumstances, inside of st<strong>ro</strong>mal spaces<br />

mainly located between adipocytes, infl ammatory<br />

cells as extravasated cells – for ex. granulocytes,<br />

mac<strong>ro</strong>phages – can be detected. Perturbations in<br />

body energy balance by limitation of the adipose<br />

tissue amount or an excess of adipose tissue (obesity)<br />

lead to severe dysfunctions and disease. In our<br />

days, because of w<strong>ro</strong>ng diet rich in glucose and fat,<br />

as well as of the adopted abnormal life style, a lot<br />

of people are affected by obesity. The obesity and<br />

its related diseases, including cancer initiation and<br />

p<strong>ro</strong>gression, are increasing, being one of the major<br />

causes of morbidity and mortality in developed<br />

countries. That is why there is a great need and interest<br />

to study the factors and subtle mechanisms<br />

involved in excessive accumulation of adipose tissue<br />

in the human body.<br />

One major question arises: what is the real explanation<br />

for the body mass/weight increasing by<br />

adipose tissue accumulation during obese adult<br />

life? Does human body need new adipocytes – as

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