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"k9IP:RF.AS there is irrefutable evidence associating cl.garette smoking with<br />

such lethal end dinahling dtsorders as cnrdiovascular di'sease, pulmonary<br />

emphyseme and cancer of the lung ; and,<br />

"WHEREAS thi .s evidence has accumulated largely from the observntions of<br />

physicians and surgeons concerned with pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases ;<br />

and,<br />

"b'FIP:REAS the overwhelming evidence of alarming inormase of cigarette-caused<br />

dcath and dissbility is most apparent to thoracic surgeons ; and,<br />

"M41NRb)AS the other branches of medicine and the public look to thoracic<br />

surgeons for leadership 1.n dealing with this vast public health problem ;<br />

for Thoracic Surgery urge all its members to intensify an<br />

"TF1ER}gORR BE IT RESOLVED that the American Association<br />

campaign educational directed toward the<br />

public in general, and youth in particular, relative td the health hnzarda of<br />

smoking ; and,<br />

"BE 11' FUATTIER RF.SDL@:D that the American Assoei .ation for Thoracic Surgery<br />

recommend to the Congreses of the United States the passage of ]ogd.slation<br />

that will regulate advertising and require a warning label on merchandise<br />

na a necessnry and important step in leading the citiz :ens of the United States<br />

and the world toward an eventual understanding of this dangerous habit ; and<br />

"BE IT F'UATtlER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be presented to the<br />

Congressional Conmittees which are involved with legislation in this field,"<br />

Resolution passed at the 45th Annual Meeting, in Executive Sessi .on, March 30, 1965,<br />

New Orleans, Louisiana<br />


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