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20<br />

NCKRI Special Paper No. 1<br />

provide ideal local vertical hydraulic connections between<br />

lateral stratiform passageways for groundwater flow, and<br />

hence significantly affect basinal flow pattern.<br />

Figure 9. A cupola at the ceiling of the uppermost story of<br />

Caverns of Sonora, Texas (view from below; breadth of the photo<br />

is about 2 m). Numerous cupolas at this story open up into a<br />

distinct horizon of touching-vugs type porosity (“burrowed bed”),<br />

which served as a receiving aquifer during the formation of the<br />

cave. Developed at four stories within a vertical range of about 35<br />

m in the layered carbonate Edwards Group, the cave passages are<br />

mainly controlled by fractures encased in distinct beds of compact<br />

limestone, although some more prominent fractures, and hence<br />

passages, cross through several beds.<br />

3.5 Recharge, cave-forming flow and<br />

discharge in hypogene settings<br />

The mode of recharge and discharge, and relationships<br />

between the respective boundaries and zones, are among<br />

the major factors that determine the style of speleogenesis<br />

and resultant cave patterns. In hypogenic speleogenesis,<br />

recharge of water to a given soluble formation occurs from<br />

the adjacent formation below, the main criterion for<br />

distinguishing this class of speleogenesis. Another<br />

important difference is that discharge occurs also through<br />

non-soluble formations. Hydraulic properties of adjacent<br />

formations, and of a major upper confining formation,<br />

impose important controls on speleogenesis in confined<br />

settings (Klimchouk, 2000a; 2003a).<br />

To prevent confusion that arises when referring to<br />

stratigraphic units in terms of their solubility, the<br />

formation that receives recharge from below and hosts<br />

hypogenic caves will be referred to as a cave formation, or<br />

a cave unit, the underlying source formation is a feeding<br />

formation, and the overlying formation into which<br />

discharge occurs is the receiving formation. All of the<br />

formations can be generally soluble, but still with<br />

drastically different capacities to support cave<br />

development under given physical, chemical and<br />

hydrokinetic conditions.<br />

The mode of recharge, in terms of its lateral<br />

distribution, depends on the types, distribution and<br />

connectivity of the original porosity systems in both the<br />

feeding formation and the cave formation as well as the<br />

overall hydrostratigraphy of the system. In the feeding<br />

formation, effective porosity at the contact can be diffuse<br />

and homogenous (A1-A3 in Figure 11), diffuse and<br />

inhomogeneous (zones of enhanced conductivity in<br />

otherwise permeable media; B1-B3), or localized<br />

(tectonically disrupted zones, e.g. fault zones, etc.) In the<br />

latter case, high conductivity zones in the feeding and<br />

receiving formations are commonly co-planar with the<br />

respective major permeability paths across the whole cave<br />

formation (A4). More commonly, there is a disparity of<br />

permeability structures between the feeding and receiving<br />

formations.<br />

Such a disparity is almost always the case at the lower<br />

contact of the cave formation, at its recharge boundary<br />

(Figure 10). Permeability in the feeding formation can be<br />

represented by various combinations of matrix, touchingvug,<br />

fracture or conduit (prominent cross-bedding<br />

fractures) porosity systems, but it never matches the<br />

original permeability structure in the cave formation. The<br />

extreme case of such a disparity is where there are virtually<br />

no hydraulically efficient original flowpaths available in<br />

the cave unit at its lower contact, and hence no perceptible<br />

forced flow through it (Figure 10, F-G). Still, hypogenic<br />

speleogenesis can operate in this situation through the free<br />

convection mechanism.<br />

Vertically across the cave formation, original flow<br />

paths are almost always composed of segments of different<br />

porosity styles and types, as discussed and exemplified in<br />

the previous section. In fact, the relations discussed above<br />

and shown in Figure 10 may be found between adjacent<br />

horizons/units within the inhomogeneous cave formation<br />

itself (see Figure 9). In addition to distinct characteristics<br />

of different porosity segments, the connectivity constraints<br />

between them impose strong effects on speleogenesis.<br />

Complex 3-D structural organization of the most widely<br />

acknowledged ascending hypogenic caves, such as gypsum<br />

mazes in the western Ukraine, limestone mazes of the<br />

Black Hills, South Dakota, USA, composite pattern caves<br />

of the Buda Hills in Hungary and the Capitan reef complex<br />

of the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, USA, illustrate<br />

the effect of this heterogeneity. It is important to<br />

underscore that because hypogenic speleogenesis is often<br />

the product of mixed (topography-driven and densitydriven)<br />

flow systems, buoyancy effects are commonly<br />

involved in establishing hydraulic connections between<br />

different porosity segments (Section 3.8).

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