Download full Annual Report and Accounts - Kingfisher

Download full Annual Report and Accounts - Kingfisher

Download full Annual Report and Accounts - Kingfisher


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Kingfi sher plc<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>Accounts</strong><br />

2009/10<br />

(vi) Derivatives <strong>and</strong> hedge accounting<br />

Where hedge accounting is not applied, or to the extent to which it is not<br />

effective, changes in the fair value of derivatives are recognised in the income<br />

statement as they arise. Changes in the fair value of derivatives transacted as<br />

hedges of operating items <strong>and</strong> fi nancing items are recognised in operating<br />

profi t <strong>and</strong> net fi nance costs respectively.<br />

Derivatives are initially recorded at fair value on the date a derivative contract<br />

is entered into <strong>and</strong> are subsequently carried at fair value. The accounting<br />

treatment of derivatives <strong>and</strong> other fi nancial instruments classifi ed as hedges<br />

depends on their designation, which occurs at the start of the hedge<br />

relationship. The Group designates certain fi nancial instruments as:<br />

– a hedge of the fair value of an asset or liability or unrecognised fi rm<br />

commitment (‘fair value hedge’);<br />

– a hedge of a highly probable forecast transaction or fi rm commitment<br />

(‘cash fl ow hedge’); or<br />

– a hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation (‘net investment hedge’).<br />

Fair value hedges<br />

For an effective hedge of an exposure to changes in fair value, the hedged item<br />

is adjusted for changes in fair value attributable to the risk being hedged with<br />

the corresponding entry being recorded in the income statement. Gains or<br />

losses from remeasuring the corresponding hedging instrument are recognised<br />

in the same line of the income statement.<br />

Cash fl ow hedges<br />

Changes in the effective portion of the fair value of derivatives that are<br />

designated as hedges of future cash fl ows are recognised directly in equity,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the ineffective portion is recognised immediately in the income statement<br />

where relevant. If the cash fl ow hedge of a fi rm commitment or forecast<br />

transaction results in the recognition of a non-fi nancial asset or liability, then,<br />

at the time it is recognised, the associated gains or losses on the derivative<br />

that had previously been recognised in equity are included in the initial<br />

measurement of the non-fi nancial asset or liability. For hedges that result in<br />

the recognition of a fi nancial asset or liability, amounts deferred in equity are<br />

recognised in the income statement in the same period in which the hedged<br />

item affects net profi t or loss.<br />

Net investment hedges<br />

Where the Group hedges net investments in foreign operations through foreign<br />

currency borrowings, the gains or losses on the retranslation of the borrowings<br />

are recognised in equity. If the Group uses derivatives as the hedging<br />

instrument, the effective portion of the hedge is recognised in equity, with any<br />

ineffective portion being recognised in the income statement. Gains <strong>and</strong> losses<br />

accumulated in equity are recycled through the income statement on disposal<br />

of the foreign operation.<br />

In order to qualify for hedge accounting, the Group documents in advance<br />

the relationship between the item being hedged <strong>and</strong> the hedging instrument.<br />

The Group also documents <strong>and</strong> demonstrates an assessment of the<br />

relationship between the hedged item <strong>and</strong> the hedging instrument, which<br />

shows that the hedge has been <strong>and</strong> will be highly effective on an ongoing<br />

basis. The effectiveness testing is re-performed at each period end to ensure<br />

that the hedge remains highly effective.<br />

Hedge accounting is discontinued when the hedging instrument expires or is<br />

sold, terminated or exercised, or no longer qualifi es for hedge accounting. At<br />

that time, any cumulative gain or loss on the hedging instrument recognised in<br />

equity is retained in equity until the highly probable forecast transaction occurs.<br />

If a hedged transaction is no longer expected to occur, the net cumulative gain<br />

or loss recognised in equity is transferred to the income statement.<br />

Derivatives embedded in other fi nancial instruments or other host contracts<br />

are treated as separate derivatives when their risks <strong>and</strong> characteristics are not<br />

closely related to those of host contracts, <strong>and</strong> the host contracts are not carried<br />

at fair value with unrealised gains or losses reported in the income statement.<br />

65<br />

3 Critical accounting estimates <strong>and</strong> judgements<br />

The preparation of consolidated fi nancial statements under IFRS requires<br />

the Group to make estimates <strong>and</strong> assumptions that affect the application of<br />

policies <strong>and</strong> reported amounts. Estimates <strong>and</strong> judgements are continually<br />

evaluated <strong>and</strong> are based on historical experience <strong>and</strong> other factors including<br />

expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the<br />

circumstances. Actual results may differ from these estimates. The estimates<br />

<strong>and</strong> assumptions which have a signifi cant risk of causing a material adjustment<br />

to the carrying amount of assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities within the next fi nancial year are<br />

discussed below.<br />

Impairment of goodwill <strong>and</strong> other assets<br />

As required, the Group applies procedures to ensure that its assets are carried<br />

at no more than their recoverable amount. The procedures, by their nature,<br />

require estimates <strong>and</strong> assumptions to be made. The most signifi cant are set<br />

out below.<br />

The Group is required, on at least an annual basis, to test whether goodwill<br />

has suffered any impairment. As part of this testing the recoverable amounts<br />

of cash generating units have been determined based on value-in-use<br />

calculations. The use of this method requires the estimation of future cash<br />

fl ows expected to arise from the continuing operation of the cash generating<br />

unit <strong>and</strong> the choice of a suitable discount rate in order to calculate the present<br />

value of the forecast cash fl ows. Actual outcomes could vary signifi cantly from<br />

these estimates. Further information on the impairment tests undertaken,<br />

including the key assumptions, is given in note 12.<br />

Property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment are reviewed for impairment if events or changes<br />

in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable.<br />

When a review for impairment is conducted, the recoverable amount of an<br />

asset or a cash generating unit is determined based on value-in-use calculations<br />

prepared on the basis of management’s assumptions <strong>and</strong> estimates.<br />

At each reporting date the Group is required to assess whether there is<br />

objective evidence that its investments in associates <strong>and</strong> joint ventures may<br />

be impaired. This requires estimates of the investments’ recoverable amounts,<br />

including present values of the Group’s share of future cash fl ows.<br />

Inventories<br />

As inventories are carried at the lower of cost <strong>and</strong> net realisable value this<br />

requires the estimation of the eventual sales price of goods to customers<br />

in the future. A high degree of judgement is applied when estimating the<br />

impact on the carrying value of inventories of factors such as slow moving<br />

items, shrinkage, damage <strong>and</strong> obsolescence. The quantity, age <strong>and</strong> condition<br />

of inventories are regularly measured <strong>and</strong> assessed as part of range reviews<br />

<strong>and</strong> inventory counts undertaken throughout the year <strong>and</strong> across the Group.<br />

Refer to note 18 for further information.<br />

Income taxes<br />

The Group is subject to income taxes in numerous jurisdictions. Signifi cant<br />

judgement is required in determining the provision for income taxes in each<br />

territory. There are many transactions <strong>and</strong> calculations for which the ultimate<br />

tax determination is uncertain during the ordinary course of business. The<br />

Group recognises liabilities for anticipated tax audit issues based on estimates<br />

of whether additional taxes will be due. Where the fi nal outcome of these<br />

matters is different from the amounts which were initially recorded, such<br />

differences will impact the income tax <strong>and</strong> deferred tax provisions in the<br />

period in which such determination is made. Refer to notes 9 <strong>and</strong> 25 for<br />

further information.

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