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•£4<br />

k'r<br />

A2 THE SENTINEL-LEDGER OMWI City, N.J. Thursday, Newmb* 28,1991<br />

Father of murdered girl is accused of child sex crime area news<br />

OCEAN CITY — Charies to help him retrieve a car. when Martin moved from of toe area <strong>and</strong> so was not Police spokesman Lt. Bob DYFS has a policy against highlights<br />

Martir.,40., of this <strong>city</strong>, the Martin was not home at Ocean City to Absecon. considered a danger to the Blevin said it is difficult for releasing any information<br />

father of murdered 9-year- the time, but Querns alleg- WeUs would not release victim.<br />

any information to be about weir investigations.<br />

old Samantha Jean Rias, edly met Russ In an alley, any Information he felt It is uncertain when the released on the case because<br />

hag been charged with <strong>and</strong> she wait with him inmight<br />

lead to the identifica- case will come to trial. the Division of Youth <strong>and</strong> WeUs said DOTS must, by First Cape purchase made under<br />

aggravated sexual assault, his car.<br />

tion of the victim. Ocean City police had no Family Services (DYFS) Is law, become Involved m farml<strong>and</strong> preservation program<br />

according to first assistant When the girl was found He said there is no evi- comment, forwarding all involved m the investiga- any rase of this sort<br />

county prosecutor Robert Sept, 2, she was fully dence linking Martin to any questions to the County tion.<br />

— Bill Barlow D1NNB TOWNSrffi<br />

G, Wells,<br />

clothed, but was not wear- other sexual assault, Prosecutor's office.<br />

Die charge means Martin ing any underwear. Martin was arrested in<br />

Is accused of sexual pene- Querns was accused of the Ocean City police statration<br />

of a child under 12 assaulting a iO-year-old jprl tion Oct. 28 <strong>and</strong> arraigned<br />

yean of tga, Wells said, in WUdwood Crest last in Ocean City Oct. 29.<br />

adding tiie victim Imew year, <strong>and</strong> on Nov. 4Police<br />

had requested Mar-<br />

Martin.<br />

pleaded guilty to one count tin come in for an Interview<br />

"This Is a first-degree of sexual assault. during their investigation<br />

crime, <strong>and</strong> if found guilty Querns is currently being <strong>and</strong> placed him under<br />

he could face 10 to 20_years held whUe awaiting sen- arrest afterward, according<br />

in prison,* Wells said Tuestencing, which may come to WeUs.<br />

day.<br />

by February. Wells said one Wells said the informa-<br />

Russ, Martin's 9-year- of die delays is mat by state tion on the assault was pubold<br />

daughter, was statute, after pleading lic since the time of the<br />

murdered last August, guilty he. must undergo arrest, but was not picked<br />

Ho- body was found in a psychiatric evaluation to up by the media until now,<br />

marshy area in Lower determine if he is a habitual "For us, it's Just a staple<br />

Township Sept. 2, Sh« sex offender. He faces 10 assault cue, we pt maybe<br />

apparenfly had been sttan* years in prison,<br />

a dozen of these a month,"<br />

gled <strong>and</strong> sustained stab WeUs explained mat sex- he said in a phone inter-<br />

wounds to the neck. ual assault is more <strong>sever</strong>e view yesterday. "What<br />

According to police, Mar- than sexual contact, but makes this interesting to<br />

tin kntw the man accused does not involve penetra- you people (the media) is<br />

In the death, Kenneth tion, as in aggravated sex- his connection to the other<br />

Edward Querns of Ocean ual assault.<br />

case,"<br />

In describing the case After he was arraigned,<br />

Que Querns was charged with against Martin on Tuesday, Martin was released on his<br />

aggravated mansraughtar Wells said a series of own recognizance, with the<br />

in the case.<br />

assaults against a single vic- stipulation that he have no<br />

phew b/ U BtriM nd ChwM Wood<br />

According to police. tim allegedly took placecontact<br />

with the victim. Helping h<strong>and</strong>s<br />

Querns went to Martin's from September 1990 to Wells said this might be<br />

house Aug. 31 to ask Martin August 1991 but stoppedbecause<br />

he had moved out Volunttirs Todd Weaver, Rich Gilmour <strong>and</strong> Jack Shta, above, prepare Thinksglv-<br />

Ing baskets tor the nttdy of Ocean City last week at Community Food Cupboard<br />

coordinator Phi! Johnson st<strong>and</strong>s In th§ background. Below, Firs Department Capt.<br />

Lewis Esposlto was among the dty firemen who delivered the baskets to those who<br />

[jive thanks...<br />

could use thsrn on Monday. The gift boxes contained a gift certlfleatt, holiday fixings<br />

<strong>and</strong> a number of staples.<br />

Free<br />

holiday<br />

Send the FTD®<br />

Autumn Harvest<br />

parking<br />

Bouquet, Just call<br />

There wm be free<br />

parking along Asbury<br />

or visit us today:<br />

Avenue from 6th<br />

Thanksgiving is<br />

Street through 10th<br />

Staeet from Nov. 17 to<br />

Thursday,<br />

Jan. 2, according to<br />

November 28.<br />

Lt Charlie Charlton<br />

of the Ocean City<br />

Parking Authority.<br />

$2750<br />

There is a twohour<br />

time limit on the<br />

free parking, <strong>and</strong> it<br />

does not include<br />

parking lots or side<br />

streets.<br />


DialDiiccl 399-5516<br />

Loss wotflht now... <strong>and</strong> feel<br />

IsrrtflcwIthTho Micro Diet-the<br />

•MMfional European Wekjht<br />

Loss Systwn UMd by war 3<br />

million dMm wofWwklo.<br />

SHOP Ms30 p.m, Mon,.IiL • TIL 8 p,m, FRIDAY Bttetaus, satisfying Wm<br />

ALL MAJOR CREDTT CARDS ACCEPTCD moa* are tow In calories <strong>and</strong><br />

packed wtth nutrition. Cost<br />

gTAINTONA 399-5511<br />

lens than regular moata! Call or<br />

810 ASBURY AVE,» OCEAN Cm<br />

write Anne Ovw or Janet Krecl<br />


your Independent Mrere DIM<br />


Advteof at The Shamrock-838<br />

Atfauiy Aw, or by calling<br />

i TM TllMWilia a? FTP t Itii FTP<br />

The Sentinel-Ledger<br />

39§-1&4§ tor (roe Information<br />

Iniaritf u Port OKta m OeunCKy, I<br />

iUiSenfflON PnttB iy mail In Caps May County; Semtf i Point, Urovood<br />

•ndNqrihllM(SQuttwmAllanlleCeunW:t21aywr.|36for2ywraI'f13<br />

There's a SECRET SALE CARD<br />

tor six monthi, IHtwhert, east ol the Mi(*i«sJppl; f» per ywr, $41 far<br />

two years, f IS for six months. Wtnt of tht Multtlppl; $29 per yw *49<br />

tor m ytar§; $1«aix montfn. Ntwss<strong>and</strong> price «• per espy. PUBUCATTON<br />

waiting for you...<br />

KmutB WfuWy ivtry Thurrtay; empt when wmHwekly, Tuatday<br />

<strong>and</strong> Friday, j&ne through August MSTIUBIW S<strong>and</strong> addmii changM<br />

Pick Up Your FREE Card!<br />

tBTheStnBrn|.i.idgtr,P.O.iox29i,C«ianCIW,NJ,0ias<br />


I""" " • { CLIP & SAW ^ ^mm M_<br />

1 —The purchase of a development<br />

easement on the Mason Farm here is the first in Cape May<br />

County to utilize funds from the state's Farml<strong>and</strong> Preservation<br />

Program, as weU as the first purchase made using<br />

funds from the count/s Open Space Trust Fund,<br />

The 109.6-acre property is located along County Road<br />

605. Though the l<strong>and</strong> if now owned by Tuckahoe Nurseries,<br />

Greg <strong>and</strong> Christine Mason retained the developmental<br />

righto which are being acquired by the county <strong>and</strong> 00<br />

state.<br />

The total purchase price for the development righto is<br />

$93,160. The state is paying about $56,570 <strong>and</strong> the county<br />

is paying $36,590, utilizing money from the Open Space<br />

Trust Fund. The state <strong>and</strong> county portions are determined<br />

by the state's process of cost sharing on At purchase of<br />

development easements.<br />

The county has more than $2 milUon in Its Open Space<br />

trust Rind, which was set up in 1990, County property<br />

owners pay I cent per $100 assessed value of the fund.<br />

The Mason Farm was purchased from the DurreU Fam#<br />

lly by Greg Mason's father In 1949, The original farm was<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>s of acres which were mostly wooded. Over the<br />

years, portions of the l<strong>and</strong> were used to grow cranberries,<br />

blueberries <strong>and</strong> vegetable crops. Greg Mason bought the<br />

l<strong>and</strong> encompassing the development easement In 1981.<br />

Dominant Republican lawmakers<br />

named to Senate committees<br />

TRfflvrrON—Senate President-meet Donald T,<br />

DiFrancesco, a Republican, has announced a new legisla^<br />

Uve committee system based "not on mere bill processing<br />

but on overseeing the executive branch to bring accountability<br />

to state government"<br />

The overall structure of the new Senate committees indicates<br />

his commitment to place more emphasis on<br />

oversight <strong>and</strong> accountability during the next two years,<br />

DiFrancesco said.<br />

Sen, James S. Cafiero, R-lst, will chair the Children,<br />

Youth <strong>and</strong> Families Committee, which oversees the<br />

Department of Human Services <strong>and</strong> has jurisdiction over<br />

children <strong>and</strong> child <strong>and</strong> family-related issues, »<br />

Sen. William LGonrJey,R-2,wul chair the Judldary •<br />

Committee, which wiU oversee the courts, Attorney General's<br />

Office, the Public Advocate <strong>and</strong> the Department of<br />

Law <strong>and</strong> Public Safety <strong>and</strong> has jurisdiction over the judiciary,<br />

criminal justice, dvll righto, juvenile justice, probation,<br />

parole, casinos <strong>and</strong> gambling, torts, property <strong>and</strong><br />

estate issues.<br />

Republicans gained control of both houses of the Legislature<br />

In the Nov. 5 general election.<br />

Court ruling on pool deficit<br />

will mean big car insurance hike •<br />

TRENTON—An appeals court ruled last week that die<br />

state Insurance commissioner has been letting the staterun<br />

pool operate In a deficit which could mean drastic<br />

rate increases for the million drivers insured by the pool,<br />

according to The Star-Ledger.<br />

WhUe the,^cf ffltei^flseaw forthe S<br />

industry analysts predict that the rate would rave to rise<br />

as much as 60 percent to keep the pool from running in<br />

the red. The deficit could be as high as $865 million, offldais<br />

estimate. ^f<br />

The ruling came in a lawsuit filed by Allstate Insurance<br />

Co., Aetna Property <strong>and</strong> Casualty <strong>and</strong> Surety Co. <strong>and</strong> Liberty<br />

Mutual Insurance Co., who were concerned that they<br />

would be forced to pay off any deficit the pool may amass<br />

U premiums were not sufficient to cover expenses.<br />

Crime bill may not block<br />

sports betting in New Jersey<br />

WA5KQNGTON—Although the crime bill approved by<br />

a congressional conference committee Sunday takes almgfc<br />

at stopping the spread of sports betting, New Jersey Is w<br />

TTiUr.dBy, Nov«nber28,1991 OcwmClty, NJ. THE SENTINEL-LEDGER A3<br />

Ocean City notes<br />

18th Street house<br />

by William Barlow<br />

fire called arson<br />

TWO CARS ENTERED, tor of the year.<br />

OCEAN CITY — A house<br />

^URQLARY ATTEMPTED He will be presented with<br />

fire last week on 18th Stteet<br />

• A car battery was the award at "the New<br />

has officially been declared<br />

reported stolen Nov. 22Jersey<br />

Board of Realtors<br />

arson, police announced<br />

from a 1990 Toyota m the meeting Dec, 6 at the Taj<br />

this week.<br />

; 600 block of Asbury Ave- Mahal casino in Atlantic<br />

nue, <strong>and</strong> $300 worn of City.<br />

That are eurreitly no<br />

tools were reported stolen<br />

suspects.<br />

from a IMS Dodge m me<br />

Police spokesman Lt, Bob<br />

200 block of Crescent Road STUDENTFEATURED<br />

Bkvm said ph^tol evi-<br />

Sunday, according to IN STATE CALENDAR<br />

dence found at me scene<br />

police.<br />

Ocean City High School<br />

led police to the determina-<br />

^ <strong>On</strong> Saturday, residents of student Joel . Richard<br />

tion, but he would not be<br />

^> house in the 300 block of Johnson, IS, Is one of the<br />

more specific about what<br />

41 St. found marks on afeatured<br />

poets in the 1992<br />

the evidence was.<br />

screen door, apparently Teen Arts Calendar, put out<br />

"It could either be aed-<br />

where someone had unsuc- by the New Jersey State<br />

dental or not accidental,<br />

cessfully attempted to break Teen Arts Program, which<br />

<strong>and</strong> we ruled out acciden-<br />

in.<br />

promotes me am among<br />

tal," he said.<br />

high school age children.<br />

Johnson is a senior editor<br />

Blevin said police are<br />

RICHARDS NAMED of The Billows, the school Planting continuing the investiga-<br />

REALTOR OF THE YEAR newspaper published in The g<br />

tion, <strong>and</strong> evidence samples<br />

^The Ocean City Board of Smthul-Ledgtr, In the calen- Kyle Hummel, l 4%, <strong>and</strong> his mother Lynda were visiting dr<strong>and</strong>mom in OMan City from Chuny Hill when they were have been sent to State<br />

Realtors recently named dar, his piece A Dmisu uB S? » hejMJtart *ina grass In tha north end of the Isl<strong>and</strong> recently. According to dty environmental officer Kit Police labs.<br />

Tun Richards, of the Rich- Spring Is featured ov» theWright,<br />

ibeut 15 volunteers currently help th8 <strong>city</strong> by planting dune grass, but after a muftlmilllon dollar beach<br />

T S m t 8Ct ls com leted th9ri wMI b Firefighters arrived on<br />

ards Agency, the dry's real- month of ApriL M u iP l« £?' P > « ''OM acres of grass to plant next fall. To volunteer, call Wright at<br />

wity Mall, 399-6111, ext, 258.<br />

Early Warning Test analysis compares<br />

8th graders on county, statewide basis<br />

ByCHARUEWOOD scores.<br />

M A i O<br />

The tests measure student<br />

OCEAN OTY — Results proficiency in a variety of<br />

of the state-m<strong>and</strong>ated Early categories within the three<br />

Warning Test have been traditional areas of reading,<br />

analyzed, enabling Ocean writing <strong>and</strong> arithmetic. The<br />

City educators to compare results were presented at<br />

scores of the <strong>city</strong>'s eighth- the Nov. 13 Board of Educagraders<br />

to county <strong>and</strong> state tion meeting.<br />

Ocean City students<br />

scored slightly higher or<br />

Post office equal to county <strong>and</strong> state<br />

averages in every category<br />

extends<br />

in all three areas, except the<br />

•Focus <strong>and</strong> Organization<br />

hours<br />

The Ocean City<br />

Post Office at 9th<br />

Street <strong>and</strong> Ocean<br />

Avenue has extended<br />

its window hours for<br />

the, holiday season,<br />

Postmaster James W.<br />

Fusco announced Oils<br />

week.<br />

•' <strong>On</strong> Saturday,<br />

Dec 7, it will be open<br />

from 9 a jn. to 1 p.m.<br />

.<br />

• Monday, December<br />

16 from 8^ a,m,<br />

to 6 p.m.<br />

• <strong>On</strong> Christmas<br />

<strong>and</strong> New Year's eves,<br />

the window will dose ,<br />

at 1p.m.<br />

The post office is<br />

closed Christmas day<br />

<strong>and</strong> New Year's Day.<br />

granted a one year exempnon from one ban, according to<br />

The Prm of ABanttc City,<br />

A threatened veto of the bill by President George Bush<br />

may give advocates of sports betting even mote time to<br />

get a state-wide referendum on sports betting passed.<br />

Proponents argue that sports betting could bring much<br />

needed revenue into the stele, aid the faltering a slno<br />

Industry <strong>and</strong> generate millions in tax revenues. *•<br />

In addition, state legislators are considering dedicating<br />

tax revenues from sports betting to subsidize health carA<br />

costs, making the idea more appealing to voters.<br />

The House <strong>and</strong> the Senate passed different versions of a<br />

1<br />

December <strong>tides</strong><br />

« , ( )<br />

TIdsi tar Mi SW« dnMtoridM, For Great igo Hiihaf Wet, ii*M« 12<br />

rrtnuts. ftom high Hd» <strong>and</strong> 24 mlnutw tram few tide. For Sea We Oty<br />

Nidifronl, tubnsa 43 minutm tarn N#i Ms art Si minutM from to-<br />

DATB<br />

economic backgrounds in * • Approve added costs a<br />

different districts,* he said. of $21,970 for Riase 1 of the<br />

*Tm not interested in com- clean up of petroleum<br />

peting with Upper Town- hydrocarbon presence in<br />

ship or Pleasantville." the soU behind the primary<br />

He said ate tots wUl help school,<br />

determine when students • Approve a change<br />

as a whole, <strong>and</strong> as individu- order of $26,930 for the<br />

als, have Weaknesses, <strong>and</strong> Stockton Mechanical con-<br />

teachers can step up met for installing a new oU<br />

Instruction in those areas. tank behind the high<br />

"We can't teach to theschool.<br />

The change order Is<br />

test," added Donahue. for testing <strong>and</strong> investigation<br />

They change it every year. of ground water eontamina-<br />

But we can teach skills <strong>and</strong> Hon at the installation site,<br />

put of the writing section. concepts."<br />

. Authorize Dr. Lyle G.<br />

They equaled the state aver- hi other business at the Anderson to apply for<br />

age, but were 1 pereentap school board meeting, Chapter n funds for tine<br />

point below the county members, on the basis of 19M-92 school year in the<br />

average.<br />

roll call, votes, agreed to; amount of $14,111,<br />

"I'm pleased with the • Accept tt\e resignation . To purchase library<br />

results," said intermediate of intermediate school Vice books for the primary<br />

school Principal Greg<br />

g d u w L - * • - • *<br />

Principal Walter Dull, who<br />

Donahue. But he feels the has taken a position as prin-<br />

test, given for the first time cipal in linwood.<br />

last spring, has some weaknesses<br />

in addition to its<br />

strengths.<br />

"Students need to focus<br />

lolrHilhetiWWphiriking<br />

them to do that," he said.' In<br />

the future, I think the tests<br />

will be very valuable, but<br />

they are still in the developmental<br />

stages right now."<br />

<strong>On</strong>e of the drawbacks to<br />

the tests, according to<br />

Donahue, is that people<br />

might begin to compare different<br />

school districts.<br />

"I don't think that's fair<br />

because of different socio-<br />

AY<br />

scene at 8 W. 18th Stteat at<br />

8ao pa. Nov. 19 to find<br />

heavy billowing smoke <strong>and</strong><br />

flames in the rear of the<br />

house, Two engines <strong>and</strong><br />

one truck company<br />

responded.<br />

No one was home at the<br />

time of the fire, but the<br />

house was occupied for tiw<br />

winter. "The house has a<br />

"for sale" sipi in front.<br />

According to tax <strong>record</strong>s,<br />

the house is owned by A.<br />

Michael Delsordo.<br />

"Of course, we suspect<br />

everyone, but he's IDelsor^"<br />

do's] not the target of the<br />

investigation," Blevin said.<br />

Deputy Kre Chief Joe<br />

Foglib reporhid heavy fife<br />

damage to the heater men<br />

<strong>and</strong> the kitchen, <strong>and</strong> smoke<br />

<strong>and</strong> heat damage throughout<br />

the two-story house, •<br />

218 West Ave.<br />

Ocean C1§F, NJ<br />

398-<br />

COMB<br />

(2662)<br />

11 SB<br />

!:23 as Hair <strong>and</strong> Nail Designers<br />

1-24 as<br />

4:25 34<br />

Tina, Tom <strong>and</strong> Nails by Meg<br />

5:21 34<br />

610 3,4<br />

6:53 34 MMMIMMtMMWIMtMMMMMMtMllt<br />

7J3S 3,4<br />

w«« lava prediaiDra art In reel, based on mean law waitr. ! DIAMONDS WANTED}<br />

Lunar Legend<br />

NlwMoon AMhA<br />

FliQrt<br />

I Moon Fcihei: South tfEquMor<br />

Thomas Jewckrs is searching<br />

holEqusfOf<br />

for fine quality diamonds.<br />

Copyright 1980. Qann FiWing Co. Semen Port NJ 08244<br />


^Holiday Outerwear # Thomas jewelers<br />

K5 Asbury Avenue<br />

This Chriitmai give<br />

Ocean Chy,NJ» 399-0859<br />

the authentic Duffle coil<br />

by Qlsvsral! of Engl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Ntoa^M. S3M30«W. 1S p/n.»Cloud Sunday<br />

Choose camel, nivy<br />

or loden gretn In soil weal<br />

melton... 300.<br />

Add t beefy wool or<br />

cotton sweater by Boston<br />

quintet to perform at the<br />

Tnder In a snappy pattern<br />

S3£B<br />

ofrjehsplidf/pm,,,7S. ,<br />

•« • 11 - The took thai says -,.-,•<br />

, homers<br />

Point, Dec. 16.<br />

p<br />

Nov _ p t e<br />

Sentinel offices 1991-92 salary guide at<br />

$5,78 per hour, 6 hows a<br />

close for holidays<br />

panels with gold<br />

day,<br />

The Sentinel-Ledger • Approve a child-rear-<br />

ibdtcnlfae<br />

office, will be dosed all ing leave of absence for<br />

Op»n inry anfilng (•itapl SMurday) UMII •«! throujih Chiliwm.<br />

day Thursday <strong>and</strong> fti- Margaret DeFeUce, begin-<br />

VU» *nd Mi«lB(Crd Accepted.<br />

witfaanopoomlKlf<br />

day for be Thanksgivning Jan, 13 <strong>and</strong> ending<br />

fadL Both in nlky<br />

ing holiday. The MarehZ.<br />

ilnniang-Hkjcpory/<br />

newspaper office will<br />

<strong>On</strong>io Stan<br />

reopen 9 am. Monday,<br />

We wish you all a very<br />

Index of Advertised Restaurants Happy Thanksgiving<br />

<strong>and</strong> Food Related Businesses<br />

,,,, M 2 MartwwlM.,.-<br />

A-14<br />

Alnlrit at W^sMe ,...,„,„.„ A-S Morgan's Restaurant<br />

Pumpkin Pies • Mince Pies<br />

Qtaiph'i R<br />

..A-II<br />

Apple Pies<br />

ieytf's MwktL B-i§<br />

..... ,4.16 Try Our Assortment Decorated Thanksgiving<br />

iuefcTavim „ ,A-13<br />

A-16 of Breakfast Muffins<br />

Chattstbox RMwram A-11<br />

A-14<br />

Treiij ft Cakes<br />

DRiSS SHOPPi<br />

Ch! Chr§ Rtstaunmt „ : MB<br />

^13 A-11<br />

, Ch! CWi Catiflng. „.,„„„„ ........A-Ii Stam'iShopRlte,<br />

....A-IO<br />

Delicious Assortment of<br />

741AAuryAvemie<br />

CIrdi Uquor „ „„.,. ,„„,„ A-18 SunnyddeUp<br />

-14<br />

Cmb Tnp „„„„„„... A-14<br />


Sulor» Isl<strong>and</strong> Inn<br />

A-14<br />

DeauvlUe hn,_, , A-18 Tom's DM ft....,<br />

B-1S<br />

Fishermen'* Inn A-iJ<br />

Qptt Smdayi 7 AM - 2 PM<br />

TOBY „<br />

....A-1S<br />

Fl<strong>and</strong>ifi Hots! „.. A-IB<br />

14th St. Caft.,.. ,..„.„ ,„A-14<br />

Tan's Rtttaurant<br />

...A-14<br />

(Qosed Thanksgiving)<br />

Oregon/I RtHaurant A-14<br />

Tulfs<br />

....A-13<br />

Johnson's Popcorn „ A-11<br />

Unds<br />


Lii's iaf.B

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