counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library

counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library

counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library


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Hardison Edward laborer<br />

Harris Che,tAr A fisherman<br />

11ani8 Edward laborer<br />

"It]'ri, JJ enrv hutcher<br />

If ani" J arne; tinsmith<br />

ilani, Mellard laborer<br />

Harris W rn laborer<br />

Harvey Martin labOl'er<br />

Heber!(er Frank fishermaH<br />

Herm"n CharIe" laborer<br />

Heximer David laborer<br />

Holland Robert I"borer<br />

Jj orsey Alfred laborer<br />

Intel'hitzen Dominick gardener<br />

Jackson Joseph plastel'er<br />

Jewell Samnel paintet'<br />

J uhnston Obarle" carl'ellter<br />

Kuhl Jobn C butcher<br />

Lewis Clmrles \V clIstorn5<br />

L~wls George pOfltm,,"ter<br />

Lewis Thomas F clerk<br />

11oClelll:l.ud J tHn('\s<br />

M. cIn ty re C A carpen tel'<br />

McLaughlin ,Vin carpenter<br />

Magwood Robt hotel keeper<br />

Ma bally .Iohn l"bol'er<br />

Martin Juseph W labol'el'<br />

1\I"tthews Benj laoorel'<br />

M el'cer J oiln I" bot'er<br />

Metcalf Chapin J fishel'mall<br />

Miller Benj labore)'<br />

Mooney P"trick l"borer<br />

Palllls,' John hborsl'<br />

Patterson David labore!'<br />

Paulns David carpenter<br />

Paulus .J ohn baker<br />

Porter S"llluel cI"rk<br />

naclicken Patrick labur~r<br />

Rainey Albert carpenter<br />

Rainey Joseph carpenter<br />

Rainey Thomas .1' carpenter<br />

Rainsford W m merchant<br />

FORT ERIE,<br />

Ramage Geol'g~:i~<br />

Ray John laborer<br />

Ray J oBeph laborer<br />

I<br />

R~ardon .r el'emi"h It,hOl'CI'<br />

Reardon J nseph htbo)'el'<br />

Regan Oharles laborer<br />

Ross J o"iah machinist<br />

Rud<strong>of</strong>l' Simon pJastet'el'<br />

Russell ,r ohn clerk<br />

Rl1ssall Wm lumber deal~r<br />

Schrysl' J·osel'h customs<br />

Sehl'yer Orange<br />

Schryer Pete I' engineer<br />

Scripture 10h11 laborer<br />

Seo,ton Wm B machinist<br />

I . Shaw Albert fisherman<br />

Sheppard Will laborer<br />

Smith Hemy H laborer<br />

Smith Stephen blacksmith<br />

Spain .T anteS N hotel k~®pel'<br />

Stewart. Albel't l",horer<br />

SteW1Ht Bellj Jabol'el'<br />

~tew"rt James laborer<br />

Tay lor Ed wtlrd labO\'er<br />

T«ylol' vVm laborel'<br />

Trehle Charles sr CllstOn1S<br />

Tronp Jacob<br />

TUl'ner Benjamin<br />

Tutton Joseph<br />

V iUl Bickle Bmanl1el laborer<br />

Vial Cha1'!~8 Sl' nshel'man<br />

WaISner F butcher<br />

Washington Ben,j laborer<br />

W at~rhonse G W 81' carpenter<br />

We.lls Henl'v C miller<br />

WeHs J ame"" merchant<br />

Wells J oeeplt miller<br />

White N G merchant<br />

Wood Daniellabol'er<br />

,Vooleyer Wm labc.ret'<br />

Wottle Jacob )"borel'<br />


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