counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library

counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library

counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library


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Turner Wm hostler 10 Francis<br />

Twist John laborer Louisa<br />

Tyrrill Wm W collector Singer<br />

mannfactllring company Chestnnt<br />

TysonW"lter carpenter 126 Lake<br />

Tyson John mason Page<br />

U nicune Thomas second hand Park<br />

Upper John hotel Mary<br />

Valley AI. telegraph man 7 Haner<br />

Vanderbllrgh Geo salesman York<br />

Vanderburgh John station agent<br />

Welland railway George<br />

Vand,rburgh Walter night watchman<br />

Walland ave<br />

Vanderlip Charles clerk Welling'n<br />

Vandedip Peter 3'4 Wellington<br />

Vier Truman fO"eman axe factory<br />

Albert<br />

VIGER E [E Viger & Co] h 62<br />

St Paul<br />

VIGER E & CO clothiers 62·64 St<br />

Pall I<br />

Ville James broker 159 Church<br />

Vivyan J E dining 1'''1'101' 97 St<br />

1'alll<br />

Vizard Richael bds 14 Queenston<br />

Voisard Benj"min grocer St Pall I<br />

cor Pelham road<br />

ST. CATRARINltS. 217<br />

•<br />

Voisard V D grocer Bt Pall I COl'<br />

Hainer<br />

VosLurg Johll cal'l,ellter Niagara<br />

Wait Arthur carder bda Vine<br />

Wait W W storekeep"" etc Vine<br />

'vV' ales Geor~e bhwksmith 10 Court<br />

W"lh,ce Andrew butcber 115 C'h<br />

Wallace Frederick aXe maker 31<br />

Eliza' e h<br />

Wallace Robert butcher nO Well and<br />

ave<br />

Walker A lex lock tender Merrittville<br />

road<br />

'V"lker David ~aW maker Queens,<br />

ton cor Princess<br />

W .. lker R.obert gardener Carlton<br />

:a::<br />

WalkerleyJos, hotel St Paul<br />

Walkinshaw M music dealer 125 St ~<br />

Paul<br />

C':I<br />

Walkinshaw Stewart 125 St Fall I ::c<br />

Walsh & Carey cigar manfrs 140 St ~<br />

Paul ~<br />

Walsh C H cigar manf,- bds 71 St en<br />

Paul ~<br />

W .. lch Jas agents organs and sew- rt1<br />

ing machines 110 St Paul<br />

m<br />

Walsh Mrs Water «=<br />

Walsh Wm engineer 102 Ont.ario c:<br />

Ward Mrs Abezale (wid Godfrey) ==<br />

83 Queen J;;<br />

Wardell Isaac building mover bds CI<br />

97 Niagara ~<br />

Wardell i:>olomon building mover ~<br />

97 Niagara en<br />

WARNER E R, propr Stephenson CI<br />

house. Yate cor ·S.. lil1.. >-<br />

Wamer'Geo knife grinder Cap near <<br />

W .. rner \\ m laborer Lundi lane =<br />

W ushington Geo porter Vine g<br />

W"tchhoI'll Wm teanlstcr 47 Wil'm ,..<br />

Waters J as plumber bels Tmfalgar sn<br />

Watson Angus clerk Church =<br />

Watoon Mrs Camilla (wid Robert) r-<br />

nnrse Lake ~<br />

Wat80n David ca"penter Rolls aVe X<br />

Watson Mrs PriBcilla(wid Decolier) =<br />

60 QueenBtoLl c:::»<br />

Watson R.ubt locktender Haines av ~<br />

en<br />

Watt John engineer Weiland ave<br />

Watts Geo Rhoem"kel' 1 Queenston I<br />

Walts Jas tailll'Page<br />

"'CI<br />

W;\tz~~~~ Mrs Fnmeisca (Henry) p<br />

Wauu Geo E salesman 3 Ann =<br />

Waud RoLt builder 100 Gntario<br />

g<br />

Waud Thos hricklayer 3 Ann ~<br />

Weaver Augustus milk ped],n Hn'y en<br />

Weuver Geo axe grinder w Elizabth d<br />

WeaverJacob pruner 118\Vellandav =:I<br />

Weaver Jas cooper 139 Welland av r""

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