counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library

counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library

counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library


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Pust Office, COIl, Lot, Post Office, Con, Lot,<br />

Larkin PatL-ick Be C"tb'rns 4 15 f McPbe.rsoll Sol Wellendp't 2 8 t<br />

Lme Richttrll St Ann" 614 f McPhErson \Vm H 81' Rose'neB 10 f<br />

La ne Will. E R')sellen8 5 7 f McPherson " j L' '" 10 f<br />

Lane 'vV H 5 7 f McPherson " ::)t Anns 5 20 f<br />

Lallier Fdix Bismarck 3 12 t III cPherson "S Wellandp't 1 9 f<br />

J .. ind Thomas G Tintern 6 23 t McPhersoll "'vV St Anns 5 15 f<br />

Lincl;,bmy Silas Bt Anns 618 f McPherson 'vVilson Rosedene 610 t<br />

Lluy.,! D"yid Candas\'ille bf ~5 f l'rlcQIlcen Wm D Smithville 6 27 f<br />

LYlllbllL'ner Alex Elcho 2'{ f Maguirc Frank St Catll'rns 4 15 f<br />

LymbllL'Ller Henry A Dnnnv 3 G f Makeagne Alex Willandp't 1 15 f<br />

nicCaffreyBal'llau'as ::)withv'le4 4 f Malloch Ellward St Anns 5 15 t<br />

McC,tffl'ey Henry C 4 5 f MOlrshal1 Jas Candasville un 25 [<br />

!\JcC,dfrej' Jacoh 4 4 f ]l.ieL'l'itt Cyrus Smithville 5 38 f<br />

McCombs ,I M Canclasville bf 2~ f Menitt .John E 537 f<br />

McCollum II iL'am SlllitIn-ille 5 30 f M81'ritt Moses S<br />

5 37 f<br />

McOollum Jas H G 3'; f Middangh Delmer Elcho 3 5 f<br />

McCollum Jasper G 38 f Midd,H1&\IJ James 3 5 t<br />

lIf cColln ill ;)JarviLl 6 3 j f !Ii iddlefelt J ohtl Rosedene 5 5 f<br />

McCollullJ l'vIelvill M 6 ,% f Midcllufelt Peeer 4 5 f<br />

~lcCollllm Philip 635 f Miller Leamon Atterclifl'e on 4 f<br />

McOuilnl1] W."ley [) :36 f Miller PL'eston 'vVelhtndp't 1 18 t<br />

lVLTntosh Albert, Winslow 2 1 f Mingle Ancltew St Anns 619 f<br />

ilLIlltosh Art.llllr 2 1 t Min~j" Juhn 6 19 f<br />

MeIntnsh ColliLl 3 1 f "tingle P,liI1lPL' Winslow 5 38 f<br />

Mclntyre John N Pelham 5 1 t Mingle Will St C"tharines 4 1 f<br />

i\ldlltyL'8.Joseph 5 11'1 MisLler Andrew J Wellandp't ~ 14 f<br />

lVf oKay COl'LleliL]S Rosedene 5 6 f MisneL' Andrew J " 3 13 f<br />

:\[cLarcn ,Jau'es Bismarck 2 11 f Misner Clll'is C"ndasville 2 25 f<br />

McPheL'son A.LLlLl 'vVellltLlllp't2 9 [I Misller Davirl Bismarck 3 13 f<br />

Mci'hsrson Alfred "bf 7 [ M,' isner H"rmonH 'vVellandp't3 13 t<br />

McP,leL'son Ejlh St Anns 5 1~ f Misner Jacob C,,"dasl'ille bf 24 f<br />

McPI",]'son Ezm Rusedelle 4 Jl flllI1,neL John N B18marck 313 f<br />

MoPllAL'sun FL'eel [) St Anns 5 21) f MisneL' JOIIll N"<br />

,5 22 f<br />

McPI18I'sun Henry Elcho 2 3 f I i\llSller Just,d, 'vVeILLndp't bl1 9 f<br />

1YlcPheL'SOLL Jacob'R'melle,ne 421 f MLsner Wm D BIsmarck 313 f<br />

McPIJemJl1 J,lcob " 4 ~~ t I MOllslllger .John" 3 -1 f<br />

McPliersoll J,lLll8S St Anns 5 20 f Moore Albet t W Pelham U'n6 1 f<br />

lIicPheLs'J/l .John Elcho 3 5 f Moo,'e D,lVld N " 6 1 I<br />

McPhersollMatinus i'l1l1lthv'le4 6 f Muore D,ll1iel II 6 1 f<br />

l\'IcPlleL'soLL M"t,lii,," ClUlithv [) 21 i\'Ioore Daniel 'vV<br />

6 1 f<br />

McPherson Melvin Elcho 2 5 f Moore Jesse II Cnnc1asville 224 f<br />

McPhel',on Nelsoll St Anns 5 lfj f Moore .J olin S Pelham U'n 6 1 f<br />

McPhpL'son Oscar S'llithville 4 6 f Moore J uhn 'vV Willslow 2 3 f<br />

McPherson<br />

5 21 f ~luOL'e Lawrence Candasville 2 24 f

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