counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library

counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library

counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library


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l73<br />

The Protest,mt Home and Orphan Asylum, Ontario neal' Welland<br />

ave. Miss Travis, matron.<br />

St. Catharine" General and Marin" Hospital, Qlleenston st. Mis"<br />

Emma Lincke, ma.tron.<br />


19TH BATTALION ACTIVE MILITIA.-Lieut.-col., Wm. Macdonald;<br />

major. Edward H. Thompson; second major, George C. Carlisle; l"'Ymaster,<br />

Thomas L. Halliwell; surgeon, \Vm. Don.!ran; assistant sur.<br />

geon, Fred S. Greenwood; qll"l'tel'm.ster. George \I·alker.<br />

No.1 Co., Niagara.-C"pt., J. V. Dority; lieut., Joseph Ma.ters ;<br />

2d lieut., W. Secord.<br />

No. 2 Co., St. Catharines.-Capt., W. H. Day; lient., George<br />

fLairs.<br />

No.3 Co., St. Catharincs.-Capt., Chas. J. Moors; lient., J. H. Ingersoll,<br />

2d lient., J. T. Groves.<br />

No.4 Co., Beam8ville.-Captain, W. A. Voxbllrg; lieut., Thomas<br />

Fishel'.<br />

No.5 Co., St. Catharines.- Capt., \Vm. Garson.<br />

No.6 Co., Virgil.-Capt., James Hiscott; lient., Gage Miller.<br />

44TH BATTALION ACTIVE MILI'l'IA.-Lieut.-col., Sidney Barnett;<br />

major, .Tas. Mol'in; payll1Rster, ehas. Treble; adjHtant, John Brennan;<br />

quartf'Tmaster, George \Vhite; surgeon, Francis T. =-Vh~wbul'n; assistant<br />

sllrgeon, Jas. W. Olivfr.<br />

No.1 Co., Niagara FallA South.-Capt., Hiram Bender; lieut., Geo.<br />

McMicking; 2rl liellt., Stephen Bradley.<br />

No.2 Co., Tboruld.-C"pt .• H. James; lieutenant, \Vm.:VI. Hendel"<br />

shott.<br />

No.3 Co., CIJippawa.-Capt., Morris Beam; lieut., John A. Greenwood.<br />

No.4 Co., FUlt Erie.-Capt., Newbigging j lieHt., E. A. Cruikshank.<br />

No.5 Co., \Velland.-Capt., J. B. Kennedy; lient., Crysler, 2d<br />

lieut., Duncan Kennedy.<br />

No.6 Co.-C"I,t., James Tattersall; lient., ,lames Steven,.<br />

No.7 Co., Nevensville.~Capt., .Joseph G. Beam; IIcHt., Josepb<br />

Clark.<br />

No. 8 Co., Fenwick.-Capt., .John Barwell; lientenant, \Vm. L.<br />

Effrick.<br />

WELLAND CANAL FIELD BAT'l'ERY.-Richarc1 S. King, captain;<br />

Fmnk King, A. ,V. Reavley, lieuts; 2d lient., Benj. Roath.

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