counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library

counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library

counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library


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Po.::!~ Otfic~. CI)D. LOG. ' 'p(l~t Ul'nCe CUll. Lot..<br />

Swarts Peter Sl' WelhllHJport 1 14 f I Vi\ughLln D"vid E Elcho 1 6 t<br />

Swayzie Aiall,on D Fen \\ ick ~ 27 f Vaughan Daniel<br />

2 7 I'<br />

Swayzie Luther E 2 ~7 f V'mghan Edlllnlld<br />

I 7 f<br />

SWilyzie Mahlom Call1lasville 1 20 f Vaugbilu Geo H<br />

1 7 f<br />

Swazie Samuel Attereiitfe bf 3 f Vaughan Jacou "",·llandp't 1 9 t<br />

Swillgle CllI'istitln Bisillarck 4 11 t V""ghan J as A Elcho 2 3 f<br />

Travel' Geo Candtlsville bf 27 f VUUgllUIl Lelll'l<br />

2 2 t'<br />

Taylor Israel St Anns 6 20 f Vaugh11n Wilfred<br />

3 4 f<br />

Taylol' J el'emi"h S Smithville6 25 f Wait Barton C"nd"svilla :3 24 f<br />

Taylol' \Vm l\'[ St Anns 6 20 f \Varrender Sam'l R Smith v 6 32 f<br />

Teft JamesWinsloll' 4 1 f Webber John Weiland 4 10 f<br />

Teft Olive.' Attercliffti 2 1 t Wiggins Sarn'l G Wellandp't 1 13 f<br />

Terryberry Joseph Fenwick 2 28 f Wilcox Jas B<br />

2 18 f<br />

Tice Wm B Elcho<br />

3 5 f Wiley Jacob Candasville bf 25 f<br />

Tisdale Jehn Attel'cliffe bf 3 f Wiley Wm A<br />

bf ~5 f<br />

Traver Calvin Canclasville hf 27 t Williams Albert Smith ville<br />

Traver Leollard Candasvillebf 27 t Williams Spenoer<br />

Traver Samnel<br />

bf 27 f Wills Geo B Rosedene<br />

TreLllbly Joseph Smithville 6 ;i2 ~Wilson Jas Wellandp't<br />

'frumm Chas Bismarck a 11 f Wilson John Pt Robinson<br />

Trllmnl Christian Wellandp't I II I' Wilson Jno W Wellandp't<br />

Tl'lllllln Daniel Bisnlarck 3 11 f Wilson Ogden<br />

TrLlmm Jacob jr<br />

3 8 f Wiloon Root A<br />

Towers Geo B ::it CatlHlrines 4 15 f W iloon Walt"r<br />

ToweL'S ,\Vol B St, C>lth's 4 1.5 '.Vinslow Emerson Winslow<br />

Ulman John Wellaudl"t 2 16 f Wood Ricb'r! St C>lth'rns<br />

Upper Jacob St A nns 5 23 f Ye>l.llon J oshu;\ Attercliffe<br />

Upper John jr<br />

5 18 I' Zink Wm Welltmclp't<br />

Upper Richarcl Winslow 4 1 f ZUL1Lstine Henry Elcho<br />

Upper \Vm ::it Anns 518 f Zllillstine P>I"I "<br />

Vanevery W m Ridgeville 3 27 f ZllLl1stine Peter Smithville<br />

6 28 f<br />

6 ~8 f<br />

5 14 f<br />

1 15 f<br />

1 17 f<br />

1 13 f<br />

bf II f<br />

1 14 t<br />

I 13 f<br />

3 1 f<br />

4 15 f<br />

bf I f<br />

1 14 f<br />

2 G f<br />

2 7 f<br />

3 '1 f<br />



Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes,<br />

SPECIALTIES :-Scotch Tweeds, Prints, Cottons, Gents' Furnishings,<br />

and Men's and Boys' LOllg Boots.

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