counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library

counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library

counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library


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Breen Jobn J printer<br />

Brennan George laborer<br />

Drennan .John laborer<br />

Brennan Thomas laborer<br />

Brick J aim laborer<br />

Brown Joseph W laborer<br />

Brown Thoru"s laborer<br />

Brown \\'illiam laborer<br />

Emley Thomas iockmRster<br />

Bye J et'emiah J laborer<br />

Byron J obn laborer<br />

(!~irnes Micilae! laborer<br />

Cal back .J ob n I",horel'<br />

Cambell K.enneth machinist<br />

Castick .J oiln laborer<br />

Channell CI,al'les Iabol'er<br />

Channell John l'aperl1Htke"<br />

Clark Venni" Iahorer<br />

Clark John locktencler<br />

Clark Richaarl miller<br />

Clark Wm J team;ter<br />

Co~dy Thomas l"borer<br />

Coc)O'an 'William bborel'<br />

CogRn J ameR !ocktender<br />

Collier Charles locktendet'<br />

Conlon John contractor<br />

Corcoran John jr p"per maker<br />

Corcoran J ohl1 ar laborer<br />

Crawford Geo :\1 spimwr<br />

Crysler Isaac carpenter<br />

Darling Rich"nl laborer<br />

Darby Doherty I. borer<br />

Delaney J ames laborer<br />

Dehmey James J clerk<br />

Delaney John sal.sman<br />

Disher William V treasurer<br />

Dolan ·fames B<br />

cotton mills<br />

Dosickle Fred laborel'<br />

Downie F & W millers<br />

Doyle Richard Iabonir<br />

Duher Thomas laborer<br />

Dusher John laborer<br />

Dundas John labol'et'<br />

manager Merritoll<br />

'IIERRITTON, 131<br />

I Dnudas .J ohn jr laborer<br />

I Dunnings Ed lI'ard laborer<br />

1 EgH.H \Villiam laborel'<br />

j Eteh0Ils ltobert hoed keel'er<br />

: Etheridge Juhn lR.hol'er<br />

! Fa,well James labOl'er<br />

! Fawell ,Tohn J moulder<br />

i F"v,eIl Richard papermaker<br />

, Feenev Miahn,,1 lahorer<br />

Feelle;' Thomas laborer<br />

Fil",n'Rev A P (RonHll1 C"tholic)<br />

Fi,he.l' ~I\mllel lahol'or<br />

Fisher Willialll lahot'ar<br />

"'bnnery .Tohn labo,'er<br />

Flynn ,Tohn lockm&stel'<br />

Flyllll Thomas locktend.,'<br />

Foley Thoma".ir I"borer '<br />

Font Cluules weaVm'<br />

Ford .J olm laborer<br />

Flmlh"m Lewis lahorer<br />

Fov Rohert J laborer<br />

Fr:ll1ciH .T ames lahorer<br />

Frey Jolin shoem3ker<br />

Fry~r .Joseph papel'ulaker<br />

Gander James derk<br />

0. t,bore Bernard lahoret'<br />

George ,J olIn labol'er<br />

Giblin John jr labol'sl'<br />

Giblin Jobn 81' UIHson<br />

GibHOll Rubert locktander<br />

GuB' GElLJl'ge lahon'I'<br />

GOHDON GEORGE, dt·y goods,<br />

dothing, hats and caps<br />

Green Alexallcler dyer<br />

Gr~(-,llwood y\'illia111 weH,ver<br />

Gillette John hammerman<br />

Guyette J ose"h hammerman<br />

Guyette Peter hammerman<br />

11 all Hobert labcrer<br />

Hall Thomas weaver<br />

Hall Wright laborer<br />

Hamilton James quarryman<br />

Hammond Thorn .. s clerk<br />

Ham Fred N bookkeeper

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