counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library

counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library

counties of lincoln & welland. - Toronto Public Library


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ST. CATHARINES. 185<br />

,010·.I,S0I1 Owen, saw polishBI', North Conway Henry laborer Facer<br />

Dlnttel'bllck Geol'g~, pl"8terel', 0+ Cook Mrs Celitl (wid RoLt) drf'5smaket'<br />

30 Church<br />

\Velllngton<br />

Clntteruuek Geo, mason, Rus8511 ay Cook Geo upholsterer Kin"<br />

. OlutterbL1ck HOIll'y, UlH80n, 31 Ni Cook 1I'I1-s Margaret (wid Angus)<br />

ugara<br />

9:l Ontario<br />

·Cobb \Varner, millt dealer, TllOl'old Oook N".tbaniel liellt Salvation<br />

road<br />

Army bcls 10 Dllk"<br />

'1:1<br />

{Jobol1rg lUrs, COl'Het H.gent., 2,1 King Cook '1'h08 studen t bd8 92 0 n tario Coc},mue John, knife grin'lel', Tra- I.-~ooper GeD com tmyeler 117 Qneen 0<br />

f"lgal' Cooper M,s Louisa, (wid Jno) North t:<br />

Cvlla!',-l L H, pri\'ate ],Hnkel', 7 On- Copeland JUR, 2(j Academy I.:".J<br />

t''''io h 86 Queen<br />

Copeland J oim, estate a"ent, Race ri.l<br />

'Coll,ll'(l \V H, clerk Imperial bank, Copeland ;)li88 Mary, 25 AcndelllY<br />

86 Queen Oopoh1nd Mrs, dr6,smaker, Ray- "'d<br />

,COLLIER Ii H, collector <strong>of</strong> cus- n,und II!<br />

tom" 1 COl'bins below .J ames Cnpel"ml \V m, lahorel', Decotah 0<br />

Colling .James, teacher, York Corbin ChUB, clerk, 27 Centre ~<br />

Colliu" Robert,s, ClIl'l'entel-, York Corbin WiD, clll'l'iuge tll"kcr, Nonh 0<br />

Culling \V m) gardener, York Corcol'l"tn Tl.!O~, Geneva ro<br />

Collins illrs i\I11l'gal'et" (wicl Patrick) Uongl", .John H, sc"dent, Ontario<br />

:-::;t "Paul nertl' Cunftl Cungle Peter, cutter, 96 Ollt:ll'io P><br />

Collins Patril,k, engineer, I 'ecotaL Courtney J alJl1, l.,borer, \Vej]und "V ;;:d<br />

Cull ius 'TlloHl,,8, 3l Geneva<br />

Cox. Jol1n, tea,lIlster, Sonth Geneva t:cj<br />

Collisl)l1 SallcuHl, ilJadlinc knife rac- Cox John, laborer, lids 127 Church ":t;:I<br />

torI', '1'1]

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