Volume 9 - Electric Scotland

Volume 9 - Electric Scotland

Volume 9 - Electric Scotland


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planting near churchyards and houses that its claims to be<br />

reckoned indigenous in most of these vice-counties are very<br />

doubtful.<br />

Pinus sylvestris, L. Recorded from almost every vice-county except<br />

110, 111, 113 : but H. C. Watson, in "Top. Bot.," ed. 2,<br />

admits it as native only in 88, 89, 92, 95, 96, 97, 103, 105,<br />

1 08, and "possibly in a few others."<br />

Larix europcea, L., and Picea excelsa, Link., are met with often in<br />

places such as to make them appear like natives, and Abies<br />

pectinata, DC, is also very widely distributed. It seems useless<br />

to enumerate vice-counties for these, or to name the other<br />

conifers met with in so many plantations, but which are seldom<br />

if ever seen in <strong>Scotland</strong> except where planted.<br />


FlLICES.<br />

Hymenophyllum tunbridgense, Sm., 72, 76-78, 86, 97-103, io5(?).<br />

112.<br />

H. unilaterale, Bory, 72-76, 78, 85-90, 92, 97-105, 108, 110-112.<br />

Trichomanes radicans, Sw., 98, 100. The claims to be reckoned<br />

native are not certain.<br />

[Adiantum Capillus-Veneris, Z., has been recorded, in error, from<br />

91 and ioo.]<br />

Pteris aquilina, Z., all.<br />

Cryptogamme crispa, R. Br., except -83, S3, SJ f ,<br />

9J h 9o, 101, 10?,,<br />

107, 109j, 111, 112. (Moore gives it for Morayshire, 95.)<br />

Lomaria spicant, Desr. (<br />

= Blechnum boreale, Sw.), all.<br />

Asplenium Adiantum-nigrum, Z., except 7 A'.<br />

var. obtusum, K. and M., 105.<br />

A. marinum, Z., except 77, 78, 79, SO, 82, 83, 84, S6, 87, 88, 89,<br />

>.'(?), %'. (Moore gives this from "near Queensferry," in 83.)<br />

A. viride, Hitds., 72, 73, 75, 77, 83, 85-90, 92, 94-100, 104-106,<br />

1 08, 1 12 (103, "Ben More, Isle of Mull," Moore's " N. P. Brit.<br />

Ferns." Reported by S. Archibald from " Devol Glen " in 76.)<br />

A. Trichomanes, Z., except 107, 11..'.<br />

A. Ruta-muraria, Z., except 113.<br />

var. c.<br />

pseudo-germanicum, Milde, 105, 108.<br />

A. germanicum, Weiss, So, 83 (?), 85, 89, (90, "? near Airlie,"<br />

Moore's "N.P.B.F.")<br />

A. septentrionale, Hull, So, 83, 89, 92 (105 ?).<br />

Athyrium Filix-fcemina, Roth, all.<br />

l>.<br />

erectum, Syme, 74.<br />

var. rhnsticum, Roth, 97, 109, 110.<br />

A. alpestre, Milde, 86-90, 92, 94, 96-98, 107, 108.<br />

A. flexile, Syme, 88, 90, 94, 96, 97, 108.

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