Volume 9 - Electric Scotland

Volume 9 - Electric Scotland

Volume 9 - Electric Scotland


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Caltha palustris.<br />

Thlaspi bursa-pastoris.<br />

20. Cheiranthus cheiri.<br />

26. Chrysosplenium oppositifolium.<br />

Geum rivale.<br />

Alchemilla vulgaris.<br />

28. Cardamine amara.<br />

30.<br />

hirsuta.<br />

Draba verna.<br />

Primula vulgaris.<br />

Mercurialis perennis.<br />

Primula veris.<br />

Ribes grosularia.<br />

Prunus spinosa.<br />

May<br />

i.<br />

Lychnis dioica.<br />

Lamium album.<br />

2. Cardamine petrea<br />

? l<br />

Cerastium vulgatum.<br />

Myosotis scorpioides.<br />

Valeriana locusta.<br />

4. Statice armeria.<br />

Stellaria holostea.<br />

6. Viola canina.<br />

Oxalis acetocella.<br />

7. Salix repens, fern.<br />

mas.<br />

Asperula odorata.<br />

8. Salix arenaria, fern.<br />

mas.<br />

Juncus campestris.<br />

pilosis.<br />

,, sylvaticus.<br />

Cherophyllum temulum.<br />

In the meadow and west end of<br />

the North Loch.<br />

In many places by road sides<br />

and tops of walls.<br />

On the Castle-hill Rocks.<br />

from the new well below the<br />

Up<br />

Brea.<br />

Up from the new well.<br />

Near the new well by the roadside.<br />

Below the new well plentifully.<br />

On Salisbury Craigs.<br />

On Do.<br />

In the Kings Park.<br />

In Do.<br />

At the foot of the rock of Salisbury<br />

Craigs.<br />

On Salisbury Craigs, Kings Park,<br />

and the Castle hill.<br />

Kings Park and Duddingstown<br />

Craigs.<br />

Above the new well.<br />

Below the new well by the roadside.<br />

Salisbury Craigs.<br />

On the top of walls and many<br />

other places.<br />

Duddingstown Craigs.<br />

At Do. and among<br />

corns.<br />

At the back of Musselburgh and<br />

in other places by the sea-side.<br />

Salisbury Craigs.<br />

Salisbury Craigs and Kings Park.<br />

At<br />

Do.<br />

Salisbury Craigs.<br />

In the Kings Park.<br />

In Achindenny wood.<br />

In Do.<br />

At the :<br />

hermitage frequent. 2<br />

1<br />

The mark of interrogation is an addition in different writing, which is like<br />

that of Dr.<br />

Hope.<br />

2<br />

This locality in Dr. Hope's writing.

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