Volume 9 - Electric Scotland

Volume 9 - Electric Scotland

Volume 9 - Electric Scotland


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Draba hirta, Z., var. rupestris (Br.), appears to have become less<br />

frequent on Ben Lawers. I have it named as above because<br />

I do not see that it can be more than a variety of the Linnean<br />

hirta, although kept as a distinct species in the " Index<br />

Kewensis."<br />

Erophila inflata, Hook, f.,<br />

was found this year by my friend the Rev.<br />

W. O. Wait on the summit of Ben Lawers at 3990 feet.<br />

Cochlearia micacea, Marshall. On Ben Heasgarnich with C.<br />

alpina ; the latter also on Creag-an-Lochain and Ben Laoigh.<br />

Viola lutea, Huds. I was rather surprised to find more particular<br />

attention was not given in the " Perthshire Flora " to the<br />

beautiful pansy which adorns the high rocks of Ben Lawers.<br />

Herr Freyn identifies " this splendid blue violet " with the<br />

var. grandiftora, Koch (" Syn.," 3rd = ed., p. 76) V. hitea, Huds.,<br />

a, unguiculata, var. violacea, Rouy. and Fouc.,<br />

" Flore de France,"<br />

vol. ii. p. 52. I have never seen specimens with quite such large<br />

flowers as the Lawers plant, some from Mickle Fell, Durham,<br />

being the nearest to them in size.<br />

Cerastium vulgatum, L. (C. triviale, Link.), ascends to 3000 feet on<br />

Glas Thulachan, where I saw a long-petalled form, the var.<br />

alpinum, Koch it also occurs on Ben<br />

;<br />

Heasgarnich and Ben<br />

Laoigh.<br />

C. alpinum, Z., var. lanatum (Lam.). Sparingly (this year) on the<br />

slopes of Glas Thulachan up to 3110 feet. On Ben Heasgarnich.<br />

Plentiful on Ben Lawers.<br />

var. piloso-pubescens, Benth. On the eastern side of Ben<br />

Lawers up to 3800 feet, and in the corrie of Ben Heasgarnich.<br />

C. trigynum, Vill. Watson gives this in the " Cybele " for Ben<br />

Lawers at 2700 feet, but I have never seen it there.<br />

Stellaria graminea, Z., ascends to 1500<br />

feet in Glen Shee.<br />

Sagina subulata, Presl. On the ascent of Ben Lawers, on nearly<br />

bare ground, at about 1500 feet.<br />

Sagina Linnaei, Presl. Abundant and luxuriant on Glas Thulachan<br />

up to 3000 feet. I have no notes of this occurring below 2000<br />

feet [and have seen it as high as 3300 feet in South Aberdeen].<br />

It is abundant by<br />

rills on the Clova tableland. -S. nivalis and<br />

Arenaria sulcata were seen in their old stations on Ben<br />

Lawers.<br />

Montia fontana, Z., as the var. minor, All., ascends to 2500 feet on<br />

Glas Thulachan.<br />

(To be continued.}

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