Volume 9 - Electric Scotland

Volume 9 - Electric Scotland

Volume 9 - Electric Scotland


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CAREX KATTEGATENSIS, Fr. Bank of the Thurso River, July 1875,<br />

G. Horn, in Herb. !<br />

Syme.<br />

This has not been reported for the Thurso River ; only for the<br />

Wick River. Could Mr. Horn have mixed his specimens?<br />

C. AQUATILIS x KATTEGATENSIS, Fr. = C. Grant//, Ar. Benn. Wick<br />

River; F. J. Hanbury in Herb. Bennett; "Journal of Botany,"<br />

1897, p. 250.<br />

C. CAPILLARIS, L. Moss, Holborn Head, Reeves and Ward,<br />

specimen.<br />

ATHYRIUM F.-FCEMINA, var. MOLLE, Roth.<br />

Dunnet Head, R. Dick.<br />

\tLycopodium inundatiim, L. By implication, Robert Dick would<br />

seem to have found this in the county; see Smiles, "Life of<br />

Robert Dick," p. 296.]<br />

CHARA VULGARIS, Z., var. MELANOPYRENA, H. and J. Groves.<br />

Mossy ditch, Ben Dorrery, August 1880, Dr. Davidson !<br />


The Weasel in Jura. On 3oth October 1895 I noticed<br />

a Weasel (JMustehi vnlgaris) on the sill of a window near which I<br />

sat writing. I had a good view, within a few feet, of the little<br />

creature's deliberate retirement, tail towards me. On inquiry in<br />

Jura I found that a man 1 have known well for about twenty years,<br />

and employed as a yacht-hand, had taken a Jura Weasel in 1892<br />

while trapping rabbits. The year<br />

is<br />

impressed on his memory<br />

because it was the first winter he worked in Jura. He knows the<br />

Weasel well from experience on the mainland.<br />

He has been trapping rabbits in Jura each winter since 1892,<br />

and during the past season he saw two Weasels, and at once baited<br />

a trap on or about 24th December 1899. On ist January 1900<br />

Miss Isabella Campbell, for whom he was trapping, sent him up to<br />

me with a fresh-caught Weasel. He has not been :.ble, so far, to<br />

secure another or the other. The captured specimen<br />

is now in<br />

the Cambridge Museum of Zoology. The traps are set solely for<br />

rabbits, but Stoats have sometimes strayed into them, and in 1892<br />

a Weasel did so. My impression is that Weasels are pretty rare in<br />

Jura, though my man tells me that he saw two in 1897. . Stoats, on<br />

the other hand, are fairly<br />

common there. Mr. Martin of Dunlossit,<br />

Islay, has promised to keep a look-out for AVeasels in Islay he is<br />

;<br />

quite familiar with them, and his home gamekeeper knows them<br />

also. H. EVANS, Jura Forest.<br />

Badgers in the Lothians. In connection with the future<br />

distribution of Meles taxus in the Lothians,<br />

it may be interesting to

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