Objective-C Fundamentals

Objective-C Fundamentals

Objective-C Fundamentals


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Providing an implementation for a class<br />

107<br />

them by their name. The following is a possible implementation of CTRentalProperty’s<br />

setRentalPrice: method:<br />

- (void)setRentalPrice:(float)newRentalPrice {<br />

rentalPrice = newRentalPrice;<br />

}<br />

Notice how the assignment statement can assign a new value to the rentalPrice<br />

instance variable without any fuss. You may wonder how this statement knows which<br />

object to update in the case that multiple CTRentalProperty objects have been created.<br />

You don’t pass in any reference to an object of interest. The answer is that,<br />

behind the scenes, every instance method is passed two additional hidden parameters<br />

called self and _cmd. We leave discussion of _cmd for chapter 8, but self is the magic<br />

that enables the method to know which object it should work with. You could explicitly<br />

make this linkage more apparent by rewriting the setRentalPrice: method as follows:<br />

- (void)setRentalPrice:(float)newRentalPrice {<br />

self->rentalPrice = newRentalPrice;<br />

}<br />

The -> operator allows you to access the instance variables associated with the variable<br />

referenced on the left-hand side. Because the compiler can pass different objects into<br />

the method via the hidden self parameter, it can change which object the method<br />

works with.<br />

Check out your debugger window<br />

The next time you use the Xcode debugger and hit a break point, check out the Arguments<br />

section in the variables panel. You should be able to clearly see the self and<br />

_cmd parameters listed.<br />

Congratulations! You’re well on your way to becoming an <strong>Objective</strong>-C guru. Another<br />

slightly mysterious piece of the IDE suddenly makes a little more sense.<br />

Knowing that self is a hidden parameter that always represents the current object is<br />

handy, but as demonstrated previously, it isn’t typically necessary to use it to access<br />

instance variables. There is, however, another practical use of self that’s unavoidable.<br />

5.3.3 Sending messages to self<br />

When implementing an instance method, you may wish for it to call on the services of<br />

other methods defined by the class. But to send a message, you must first have a reference<br />

to the object you want to send it to. This reference is usually provided in the<br />

form of a variable. When you want to refer to the current object, whatever it may be,<br />

the hidden self parameter neatly fills the role, as follows:<br />

- (void)handleComplaint {<br />

NSLog(@"Send out formal complaint letter");<br />

numberOfComplaints = numberOfComplaints + 1;

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