Objective-C Fundamentals

Objective-C Fundamentals

Objective-C Fundamentals


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Building the PocketTasks application<br />

249<br />

In viewDidLoad you add a button to add new tasks. The configureCell:atIndex-<br />

Path: method configures a table cell to display the name of the task and to show a<br />

checkmark if the task is done. The addTask method adds a new task and sets its name<br />

to Task 1, Task 2, and so on. Feel free to add a user interface that lets the user enter<br />

a real name for a task. Notice that the person relationship of the task in this method<br />

is set to make the new task belong to the selected person. Also notice the use of<br />

[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]. Why can’t you just say [task setValue:NO forKey:<br />

@"isDone"]? Because you always have to provide an object for the value, never a primitive<br />

value. That’s why you have to box an integer, double, float, or Boolean value in an<br />

instance of NSNumber.<br />

Finally, the tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method marks a task as done<br />

by setting the value, saving the context, and calling configureCell:atIndexPath: to<br />

display the checkmark.<br />

To make your new TasksViewController appear when you tap on a person, you<br />

have to go back to PeopleViewController.m once more. Using the code in listing 12.15,<br />

import TasksViewController.h and implement the tableView:didSelectRowAtIndex-<br />

Path: method to create an instance of TasksViewController and push it onto the<br />

navigation controller stack.<br />

Listing 12.15<br />

tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: in PeopleViewController.m<br />

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView<br />

didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {<br />

}<br />

TasksViewController *tasksVC =<br />

[[TasksViewController alloc]<br />

initWithPerson:[resultsController objectAtIndexPath:indexPath]];<br />

[self.navigationController pushViewController:tasksVC animated:YES];<br />

[tasksVC release];<br />

Now build and run the application. You should be able to add tasks and set them to<br />

done by tapping on them (see figure 12.5).<br />

12.4.9 Using model objects<br />

So far you’ve been using NSManagedObject to access your people and tasks. While this<br />

works just fine, it would be much nicer to be able to say [person firstName] (or<br />

person.firstName, the dot notation for properties) instead of [person valueFor-<br />

Key:@"firstName"]. You also need the full name of a person in several places in your<br />

application. Rather than putting the first and last names together every time you need<br />

the full name, you can more efficiently just say [person fullName]. Core Data provides<br />

an easy way to do so using model object classes, which are custom subclasses of<br />

NSManagedObject. You can add your own methods to model object classes and have<br />

nice accessor methods for all the properties and relationships.<br />

To convert PocketTasks to use model object classes, you first let Xcode generate<br />

the appropriate classes for you. Select File > New > New File…, and then select

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