How To Enhance Your Life - Dean Amory

Techniques for enhancing the quality of your life

Techniques for enhancing the quality of your life


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49. Identify 3 actions that you’re going to take each day, for the next 100 days, in order to strengthen<br />

your relationship. These can include the following:<br />

• Say “I love you” and “Have a good day” to your significant other every morning.<br />

• Hug your significant other as soon as you see each other after work.<br />

• Go for a twenty minute walk together every day after dinner; hold hands.<br />

Social<br />

50. Connect with someone new every day for the next 100 days, whether it’s by greeting a neighbour<br />

you’ve never spoken to before, following someone new on Twitter, leaving a comment on a blog you’ve<br />

never commented on before, and so on.<br />

51. For the next 100 days, make it a point to associate with people you admire, respect and want to be<br />

like.<br />

52. For the next 100 days, when someone does or says something that upsets you, take a minute to think<br />

over your response instead of answering right away.<br />

53. For the next 100 days, don’t even think of passing judgment until you’ve heard both sides of the<br />

story.<br />

54. For the next 100 days do one kind deed for someone every day, however small, even if it’s just<br />

sending a silent blessing their way.<br />

55. For the next 100 days, make it a point to give praise and approval to those who deserve it.<br />

56. For the next 100 days, practice active listening. When someone is talking to you, remain focused on<br />

what they’re saying, instead of rehearsing in your head what you’re going to say next. Paraphrase what<br />

you think you heard them say to make sure that you haven’t misinterpreted them, and encourage them to<br />

elaborate on any points you’re still not clear about.<br />

57. Practice empathy for the next 100 days. If you disagree with someone, try to see the world from their<br />

perspective; put yourself in their shoes. Be curious about the other person, about their beliefs and their<br />

life experience, and about the thinking process that they followed to reach their conclusions.<br />

58. For the next 100 days, stay in your own life and don’t compare yourself to anyone else.<br />

59. For the next 100 days, place the best possible interpretation on the actions of others.<br />

60. For the next 100 days, keep reminding yourself that everyone is doing the best that they can.<br />


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