How To Enhance Your Life - Dean Amory

Techniques for enhancing the quality of your life

Techniques for enhancing the quality of your life


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By Jordan -<br />

http://jordancheng.net/the-secrets-of-happiness/<br />

There are paradoxes surrounding wealth and happiness, which drive everyone to its pursuit. The<br />

reality is, there are sufficient evidences to show a significant disconnect between wealth and wellbeing.<br />

Based on the research findings, you will know that happiness can be elusive and yet<br />

attainable.<br />

The following are suggestions on how you can increase your happiness:<br />

Realize That Wealth Does Not Create Permanent Happiness.<br />

People adapt to changing circumstances—even to wealth or a disability. Thus wealth is like health:<br />

Its utter absence breeds misery, but having it (or any circumstance we long for) doesn’t guarantee<br />

happiness.<br />

“The mind of every man, in a longer or shorter time, returns to its natural and usual state of<br />

tranquillity. In prosperity, after a certain time, it falls back to that state; in adversity, after a<br />

certain time, it rises up to it.” (Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 1759)<br />

Be <strong>Your</strong> Own Time Master.<br />

Happy people are master of time management, and hence often feel in control of their lives. It<br />

helps to set goals and break them into daily aims. Although we often overestimate how much we<br />

will accomplish in any given day (leaving us frustrated), we generally underestimate how much we<br />

can accomplish in a year, given just a little progress every day.<br />

Be Happy, Even Deliberately.<br />

We can deliberately put ourselves into a frame of mind by starting it with physical action. When<br />

you feel moody, look at the mirror and put on a bright smile to yourself. It ignites the energy of<br />

joyful emotion, which makes you feel better and trigger subsequent positive moods. When you<br />

meet people outside, your energy can be felt by people and brings forth mutually contagious effect.<br />

So put on a happy face. Talk like someone with high self-esteem, optimistic, and outgoing. Once<br />

you go through the motions, it can trigger the emotions. As Mary Kay said: “Fake it until you<br />

make it”<br />

Align Work with Passion.<br />

As mentioned in my previous post Experiencing Flow State, happy people often are in a<br />

psychological state called “in the zone” or “in the flow” – when one is completely absorbed in a<br />

task that challenges them yet without overwhelming them. Most of the expensive forms of leisure<br />

(such as sitting on a yacht) provide less flow experience than gardening, playing musical<br />

instruments, painting, keeping fish, socializing, or craft work.<br />

Be Physically Active.<br />

It has become a known fact the exercise not only promotes health and energy, it is also an antidote<br />

for mild depression and anxiety. Go for gym, jogging, swimming, yoga, aerobics, Pilates, and<br />

anything that works your body and gets you perspiring. Sound minds reside in sound bodies. Read<br />


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