Are All Religions Alike? By Parwez - Resurgent Islam

Are All Religions Alike? By Parwez - Resurgent Islam

Are All Religions Alike? By Parwez - Resurgent Islam


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iuislltlderstandings. that leads to the concept of ''unifonnity<br />

ofreligions".<br />

The concept of supreme body has incessantly been coming<br />

down since the beginning of man on this earth. When the<br />

humanity was at its infantile period, the man had individual<br />

pattern of living. He 'was weak and defenseless against the<br />

Powerful bI:.asts that roamed about him. He used to live in<br />

jungles. ,,!vines and caves. Fruit and prey were the main<br />

sources of bis living. No man had any individual relation<br />

. with any other man. In this mode of living, the relation of<br />

"God"with man was no more than the man's prostrating<br />

~fore Him at the eve of any affliction, calamity, disaster,<br />

ffiisforrune, or trouble and of daReing at the momentS of<br />

mirth and happiness as if it fs festivity rejoicing. "God" was<br />

either in the garb. of deity. gods, goddesses, or in the fonn<br />

of idols. The. utmost en!leav0ur of man was to keep these<br />

deities happy. The name of the outward manifestation of<br />

this struggle was "worship". During, this period, whenever<br />

the light of the Divine Revelation came, it sh~ded away<br />

the wrong veils of the ~·made concepts, p.nd gave the<br />

true concept ()f God: When this light was lost. the same<br />

darkness of ignorance Rrevail.ed upon the human universe.<br />

SlQwly but gradually the h'umanity passed through some<br />

higher' evolutionary stages of life. He could survive only<br />

through some fonn of group life. A band of men could<br />

survive under conditioits in which a single individual had<br />

no cbance. so early men natunllly lived in groups. Some'<br />

fonn ofsocial organization is Recessary for group life Thus<br />

he laid the fOl/nda'tion of gregirious life. The first social<br />

ties came from blood relationship. Now the tendency<br />

diverted frQm individual mode of living to tribal fonn' of<br />

life. The,men started establishing sllCCOUr and c()-()Peration<br />

among one another. The varioUs fonns of participatOry<br />

actions Started burgeoning. This stemmed the issues of<br />

mutual rights and their preservation. For prescribing correct

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