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NORTH-SOUTH CENTRE - ETH - North-South Centre North-South ...

NORTH-SOUTH CENTRE - ETH - North-South Centre North-South ...


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Impressum<br />

Publisher<br />

<strong>North</strong>-<strong>South</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, <strong>ETH</strong> Zurich<br />

HCW, Hochstrasse 60a, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland<br />

Editors<br />

Ursula Gugger Suter,<br />

Communication Manager, <strong>North</strong>-<strong>South</strong> <strong>Centre</strong><br />

Barbara Becker,<br />

Managing Director, <strong>North</strong>-<strong>South</strong> <strong>Centre</strong><br />

Layout<br />

Art Direction Stacy Müller, Zurich<br />

Reproduction<br />

With permission of the <strong>North</strong>-<strong>South</strong> <strong>Centre</strong><br />

Photos<br />

Cover: A. Zabel (left: Household interview in a village<br />

at the Bandhavgarh National Park boundary, India),<br />

C. Jans (right: Patrick Njage preparing to sample<br />

camels of a herd near Isiolo, Kenya);<br />

p. 1: M. Zoss;<br />

p. 2: R. Schulin;<br />

p. 4: A. Fotso Kuate;<br />

p. 5: D. Niedzwiecka;<br />

p. 6: M. Egloff;<br />

p. 9: A. Jenet (left), Sandec (right);<br />

p. 10: U. Janssen-Tapken;<br />

p. 11: M. Zoss;<br />

p. 14: M. Egloff;<br />

p. 18: Z.L. Urech;<br />

p. 19: L.H. Andriambelo;<br />

p. 21: P. Rüegg;<br />

p. 22: CSRS;<br />

p. 23: S. Impa Muthappa (top), C. Jans (bottom);<br />

p. 24: U. Janssen-Tapken (top), S. Abbeddou<br />

(bottom);<br />

p. 25: NADEL;<br />

p. 26: CDE;<br />

p. 27: C. Jans (top), S. Engel (bottom);<br />

p. 29: Sandec;<br />

p. 31: IITA;<br />

p. 32: S. Abbeddou;<br />

p. 36: S. Krishnan;<br />

p. 37: A. Zabel;<br />

p. 38: N. Buchmann, S. Dorn;<br />

p. 39: M. Sonnevelt;<br />

p. 40: E. Frossard;<br />

p. 41: S. Abbeddou;<br />

p. 42: C. Jans;<br />

p. 43: R. Schulin;<br />

p. 46: F. Verones;<br />

p. 47: F. Verones (left), K. Bartl (right);<br />

p. 49: S. Graham;<br />

p. 51: S. Krank;<br />

p. 53: E. Frossard (left), D. Or (right);<br />

p. 62: C. Orek;<br />

p. 65: L.H. Andriambelo, C. Dirac Ramohavelo, V.K.<br />

Hgaza Kouassi, A. Fotso Kuate, P.N. Njau, C. Flury, M.<br />

Jemo, C.L. Olds, C. Cavalcanti, S. Contzen,<br />

M. Zoss, D. Rustagi, Z.L. Urech, M.F. Rabenilalana,<br />

S. Andrade de Sa, D.I. Kiba, C. Orek, S. Patel,<br />

S. Impa Muthappa; H.D.N. Comoé;<br />

p. 66: C. Dirac Ramohavelo;<br />

p. 67: V.K. Hgaza Kouassi;<br />

p. 68: A. Fotso Kuate;<br />

p. 69: P.N. Njau;<br />

p. 71: M. Jemo;<br />

p. 72: C.L. Olds;<br />

p. 73: C. Cavalcanti;<br />

p. 74: S. Contzen;<br />

p. 75: M. Zoss;<br />

p. 76: D. Rustagi;<br />

p. 77: Z.L. Urech;<br />

p. 78: S. Andrade de Sa;<br />

p. 79: D.I. Kiba;<br />

p. 80: C. Orek;<br />

p. 81: S. Patel;<br />

p. 82: S. Impa Muthappa;<br />

p. 83: H.D.N. Comoé;<br />

p. 85: S.R. Barsila;<br />

p. 87: D. Or (left), M. Filippini (right);<br />

p. 89: M. Egloff;<br />

p. 90: NADEL;<br />

p. 91: C. Huggel;<br />

p. 104: S. Abbeddou;<br />

p. 107: M. Egloff;<br />

p. 108: M. Egloff;<br />

p. 109: Ú. Oswald Spring;<br />

p. 111: D. Niedzwiecka;<br />

p. 112: D. Niedzwiecka;<br />

p. 113: F. Hintermann;<br />

p. 114: D. Niedzwiecka;<br />

p. 115: D. Niedzwiecka;<br />

p. 116: M. Zoss;<br />

p. 130: D. Rustagi<br />

Printing<br />

Druckerei Feldegg AG, Schwerzenbach<br />

List of acronyms<br />

All units of the <strong>ETH</strong> Zurich are in italics.<br />

ACW Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil<br />

ADAPT African dams project, CCES<br />

AGS Alliance for Global Sustainability<br />

AIM Association Intercooperation Madagascar<br />

AIT Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand<br />

ALP Agroscope Liebefeld-Posieux<br />

ARD Agricultural Research for Development<br />

ART Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon<br />

AVRDC World Vegetable Center<br />

C Carbon<br />

CAS Certificate of Advanced Studies<br />

CAS Chinese Academy of Sciences<br />

CCES Competence Center Environment and<br />

Sustainability of the <strong>ETH</strong> Domain<br />

CDE <strong>Centre</strong> for Development and Environment,<br />

University of Bern<br />

CDM Clean Development Mechanism<br />

CEPE <strong>Centre</strong> for Energy Policy and Economics<br />

CFPF <strong>Centre</strong> de Formation Professionnelle<br />

Forestière, Madagascar<br />

CGIAR Consultative Group on International<br />

Agricultural Research<br />

CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture<br />

CIFOR <strong>Centre</strong> for International Forestry Research<br />

CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat<br />

Improvement <strong>Centre</strong><br />

CIP International Potato <strong>Centre</strong><br />

ClimPol Climate Policy Making for Enhanced<br />

Technological and Institutional Innovations, CCES<br />

CNRE <strong>Centre</strong> National de Recherches sur<br />

l’Environnement, Madagascar<br />

CO 2<br />

Carbon dioxide<br />

CSRS <strong>Centre</strong> Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques,<br />

Côte d’Ivoire<br />

D-AGRL Department of Agricultural and Food<br />

Sciences<br />

D-ARCH Department of Architecture<br />

D-BAUG Department of Civil, Environmental and<br />

Geomatic Engineering<br />

D-BIOL Department of Biology<br />

D-ERDW Department of Earth Sciences<br />

D-GESS Department of Humanities, Social and<br />

Political Sciences<br />

D-INFK Department of Computer Science<br />

D-ITET Department of Information Technology<br />

and Electrical Engineering<br />

D-MTEC Department of Management, Technology<br />

and Economics<br />

D-UWIS Department of Environmental Sciences<br />

DC Developing countries<br />

DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft<br />

DFID Department for International Development, UK<br />

DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid<br />

DSM DSM Nutritional Products AG<br />

Eawag Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental<br />

Science and Technology<br />

ECOS Laboratory of ecological systems, Lausanne<br />

EPFL Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne<br />

ERA-ARD European Research Area on Agricultural<br />

Research for Development<br />

ERA-NET European Research Area Network<br />

ESA Ecole Supérieure d’Agronomie, Côte d’Ivoire<br />

ESSA Ecole supérieure des sciences agronomiques,<br />

Université d’Antanarivo, Madagascar<br />

<strong>ETH</strong>IIRA <strong>ETH</strong> Independent Investigators’ Research<br />

Awards<br />

EU European Union<br />

FAO Food and Agricultural Organisation of the<br />

United Nations<br />

Fe Iron<br />

FiBL Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau<br />

FOAG Federal Office for Agriculture<br />

GEF Global Environmental Facility<br />

GFAR Global Forum on Agricultural Research<br />

GIS Geographic Information System<br />

GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische<br />

Zusammenarbeit<br />

ha Hectare<br />

HGU School of Business, Economics and Law,<br />

University of Gothenburg, Sweden<br />

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency<br />

IBAMA Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos<br />

Recursos Naturais Renovaveis<br />

ICARDA International <strong>Centre</strong> for Agricultural<br />

Research in the Dry Areas<br />

ICT Information and Communication Technology<br />

IED Institute for Environmental Decisions<br />

IHEID Graduate Institute of International and<br />

Development Studies, Geneva<br />

IIA International Institutional Affairs<br />

IIM Indian Institute of Management<br />

IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture<br />

ILRI International Livestock Research Institute<br />

INERA Institut de l’Environnement et Recherches<br />

Agricoles, Burkina Faso<br />

INRA French National Institute for Agricultural<br />

Research<br />

INTA Nicaraguan Institute of Technology<br />

IOB Netherlands Policy and Operations<br />

Evaluation Department of the Ministry of<br />

Foreign Affairs,Netherlands<br />

IREDU Institut de Recherche sur l’Éducation,<br />

Université de Bourgogne, France<br />

IRRI International Rice Research Institute<br />

IUCN International Union for the Conservation<br />

of Nature<br />

IUT Isfahan University of Technology, Iran<br />

KARI Kenya Agricultural Research Institute<br />

KFPE Commission for Research Partnerships with<br />

Developing Countries<br />

KfW KfW Entwicklungsbank<br />

Kg Kilogramme<br />

KIRFOR Kyrgyz-Swiss Forestry Support Programme<br />

LAB Lactic acid bacteria<br />

LCA Life cycle assessment<br />

LCV Laboratoire Central Vétérinaire du Mali<br />

MAS Master of Advanced Studies<br />

Mn Manganese<br />

MO Microorganism<br />

MoU Memorandum of Understanding<br />

MSc Master of Science<br />

N Nitrogen<br />

NADEL Postgraduate Studies for Developing<br />

Countries<br />

NATURA Network of European institutions for<br />

higher education in agriculture for the tropics and<br />

subtropics (new: AgriNatura)<br />

NCCR <strong>North</strong>-<strong>South</strong> National <strong>Centre</strong> of<br />

Competence in Research <strong>North</strong>-<strong>South</strong><br />

NGO Non-governmental organisation<br />

NSF ATM National Science Foundation,<br />

Atmosphere Program, USA<br />

NSL Network City and Landscape<br />

OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and<br />

Development<br />

OPEC Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting<br />

Countries<br />

P Phosphorus<br />

PRS Poverty reduction strategy<br />

PSI Paul Scherrer Institute<br />

R4D Research for development<br />

RDA Recommended daily allowance<br />

RFPP Research Fellow Partnership Programme<br />

S-EN<strong>ETH</strong> former School Domain of Earth,<br />

Environment and Natural Resources, <strong>ETH</strong> Zurich<br />

SAHA Programme de Développement Rural,<br />

Intercoopération – Délégation Madagascar<br />

Sandec Department of Water and Sanitation in<br />

Developing Countries, Eawag<br />

scnat Swiss Academy of Sciences<br />

SCRID Sustainable Farming and Rice Cropping<br />

Systems Unit, Madagascar<br />

SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation<br />

SECO State Secretariat for Economic Affairs,<br />

Switzerland<br />

SENACYT Ecuadorian Secretary of Science and<br />

Technology<br />

SER State Secretariat for Education and Research,<br />

Switzerland<br />

SFIAR Swiss Forum for International Agricultural<br />

Research<br />

SHL Swiss College of Agriculture, Zollikofen<br />

SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences<br />

SNF Schweizerischer Nationalfonds<br />

SPLASH European Research Area Network of the<br />

European Water Initiative<br />

spp. Species<br />

STI Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel<br />

(new: Swiss TPH)<br />

STRI Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute,<br />

Panama<br />

TWAS Academy of Sciences for the Developing<br />

World<br />

UAS University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore,<br />

India<br />

UNEP United Nations Environment Programme<br />

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and<br />

Cultural Organization<br />

WARDA Africa Rice Center<br />

WBGU German Advisory Council on Global Change<br />

WFP World Food Programme<br />

WHO World Health Organisation<br />

WSL Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and<br />

Landscape Research<br />

WWF World Wide Fund for Nature<br />

ZALF Leibniz <strong>Centre</strong> for Agricultural Landscape<br />

Research, Germany<br />

ZEF Center for Development Research, University<br />

of Bonn, Germany<br />

ZESCO Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation<br />

Zn Zinc<br />

ZnSO 4<br />

Zinc sulphate<br />

Impressum / List of acronyms

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