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by thy glorious and unspeakable Name: thou who art the Fountain of all<br />

goodness, have patience with me, and give a good Memory unto me, &C.<br />

Say these Orations in the fourth », 'Viz. Hely-schemath, Alpha and Omega,<br />

Theos megale.<br />

Oh light of the World .Azalcmacb, great God I beseech thee:<br />

These ought to be said in the 8, 12, 10, 20, 24, 28, 30. and in all these<br />

Lunations rehearse them four times; in the morning once, the third hour<br />

once, the ninth once, and once in the evening; and in the other dayes rehearse<br />

none, but them of the first day, which are Alpha and Omega,<br />

Helyschemat,<br />

Almighty, incomprehensible, I adore thee; I confesse my self guilty: 0<br />

Tbeos bazamagie]: Oh mercyful Lord God, raise up the sencesofmy flesh:<br />

Oh God of all living, and of all Kingdomes,I confesse Oh Lord this day,<br />

that I am thy servant.<br />

Rehearse these Orations also in the other dayes four times, once in the<br />

morning, once in the evening, once about the third hour, and once on the<br />

ninth; And thou shalt acquire Memory, Eloquence and stability fully,Amen.<br />

The Conclusion of the whole work, and Confirmation of the Science<br />

obtained.<br />

Oh God, Maker of all things; who hast created all things out of nothing;<br />

who hast wonderfully created the Heaven and Earth, and all things by<br />

degrees in order, in the beginning, with thy Son, by whom all things are<br />

made, and into whom all things shall at last return: Who art Alpha and<br />

Omega: I beseech thee though a sinner, & unworthy, that I may attain to<br />

my desired end in this Holy Art, speedily, and not lose the same by my<br />

sins; but do good unto me, according to thy unspeakable mercy: who doth<br />

not to us after our sins, nor rewardeth us after our iniquities, Amen.<br />

Say this in the end devoutly:<br />

Oh wisdome of God the Father incomprehensible, Oh most mercyful<br />

Son, give unto me ofthy ineffable mercy, great knowledge and wisdome,<br />

as thou didst wonderfully bestow all Science to King <strong>Solomon</strong>, not looking<br />

upon his sins or wickedness, but thy own mercies: wherefore I im-

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