Gentoo Linux AMD64 Handbook

Gentoo Linux AMD64 Handbook

Gentoo Linux AMD64 Handbook


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Choosing the Right<br />

Installation Medium<br />

the official installation method uses the stage3 tarball. If you are interested in performing a <strong>Gentoo</strong><br />

installation using a stage1 or stage2 tarball, please read the <strong>Gentoo</strong> FAQ on How do I Install <strong>Gentoo</strong><br />

Using a Stage1 or Stage2 Tarball [/doc/en/faq.xml#stage12]<br />

Stage3 tarballs can be downloaded from releases/amd64/autobuilds/currentstage3/<br />

on any of the Official <strong>Gentoo</strong> Mirrors [/main/en/mirrors.xml] and are not provided on the<br />

LiveCD.<br />

Download, Burn and Boot a <strong>Gentoo</strong><br />

Installation CD<br />

Downloading and Burning the Installation CDs<br />

You have chosen to use a <strong>Gentoo</strong> Installation CD. We'll first start by downloading and burning the<br />

chosen Installation CD. We previously discussed the several available Installation CDs, but where<br />

can you find them<br />

You can download any of the Installation CDs from one of our mirrors [/main/en/mirrors.xml]. The<br />

Installation CDs are located in the releases/amd64/autobuilds/current-iso/ directory.<br />

Inside that directory you'll find ISO files. Those are full CD images which you can write on a CD-R.<br />

In case you wonder if your downloaded file is corrupted or not, you can check its SHA-2 checksum<br />

and compare it with the SHA-2 checksum we provide (such as install-amd64-minimal-<br />

.iso.DIGESTS). You can check the SHA-2 checksum with the sha512sum tool under<br />

<strong>Linux</strong>/Unix or File Checksum Tool [http://www.krylack.com/file-checksum-tool/] for Windows.<br />

Another way to check the validity of the downloaded file is to use GnuPG to verify the cryptographic<br />

signature that we provide (the file ending with .asc). Download the signature file and obtain the<br />

public keys whose key ids can be found on the release engineering project site [/proj/en/releng/<br />

index.xml].<br />

Example 2.1. Obtaining the public key<br />

(... Substitute the key ids with those mentioned on the release engineering site<br />

$ gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 96D8BF6D 2D182910 17072058<br />

Now verify the signature:<br />

Example 2.2. Verify the files<br />

(Verify the cryptographic signature)<br />

$ gpg --verify <br />

(Verify the checksum)<br />

$ sha1sum -c <br />

To burn the downloaded ISO(s), you have to select raw-burning. How you do this is highly programdependent.<br />

We will discuss cdrecord and K3B here; more information can be found in our <strong>Gentoo</strong><br />

FAQ [/doc/en/faq.xml#isoburning].<br />

• With cdrecord, you simply type cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc (replace /dev/<br />

hdc with your CD-RW drive's device path).<br />

• With K3B, select Tools > Burn CD Image. Then you can locate your ISO file within the 'Image<br />

to Burn' area. Finally click Start.<br />


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