Etude et impact du bruit de fond corrélé pour la mesure de l'angle ...

Etude et impact du bruit de fond corrélé pour la mesure de l'angle ...

Etude et impact du bruit de fond corrélé pour la mesure de l'angle ...


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tel-00821629, version 1 - 11 May 2013<br />

5.22 Comparison b<strong>et</strong>ween the spatial distributions of SM candidates<br />

(b<strong>la</strong>ck histograms) and HELN sample obtained by performing<br />

o↵-time selection (viol<strong>et</strong> points). The on-time prompt<br />

distributions (top left and right) shows clear excess of events<br />

below the d<strong>et</strong>ector chimney, as expected by SM, while the<br />

o↵-time distribution shows events distributed more wi<strong>de</strong>ly in<br />

the d<strong>et</strong>ector, as expected from natural radioactivity gammas.<br />

The <strong>de</strong><strong>la</strong>yed vertex distribution (bottom left and right) shows<br />

an excess below the chimney and some others peaks at fixed<br />

positions. Such peaks are well repro<strong>du</strong>ced by the o↵-time<br />

selection and are <strong>du</strong>e to LN. The packed distribution is an<br />

artefact of the vertex reconstruction algorithm, which reconstruct<br />

the LN vertex close to the PMT responsible of the light<br />

emission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141<br />

5.23 Q max /Q tot variable as a function of the prompt (left) and <strong>de</strong><strong>la</strong>yed<br />

(right) energy for SM candidates (b<strong>la</strong>ck histograms) and<br />

HELN sample obtained by performing o↵-time selection (viol<strong>et</strong><br />

points). The SM prompt candidates shown Q max /Q tot distribution<br />

typical for physics events, while the <strong>de</strong><strong>la</strong>yed events<br />

show an excess of event b<strong>et</strong>ween [0.04, 0.06] with 1/E behaviour.142<br />

5.24 Prompt (left) and <strong>de</strong><strong>la</strong>yed (right) SM spectrum upon subtraction<br />

of HELN contamination. The error bars account for the<br />

statistical uncertainty of the data sample and the systematic<br />

uncertainty in<strong>du</strong>ced by the spectral subtraction. . . . . . . . 142<br />

5.25 SM spectrum fit with f<strong>la</strong>t mo<strong>de</strong>l (top) and sloped linear mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

(bottom). The f<strong>la</strong>t linear mo<strong>de</strong>l gives a<br />

2 /ndf =7.1/8 and a<br />

fit probability of ⇠ 52 % while the sloped linear mo<strong>de</strong>l gives<br />

a 2 /ndf = 6.9/7 and a fit probability of ⇠ 44 %. Both<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>ls shown compatible results however the more generic<br />

sloped shape is used as spectral shape for SM background,<br />

since there is no physical reason for a f<strong>la</strong>t SM spectrum. A<br />

total rate of (0.62 ± 0.20) cpd is found. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144<br />

5.26 Digital Q max /Q tot vs energy for prompt (left column) and <strong>de</strong><strong>la</strong>yed<br />

(right column) for HELN events (top row) and SM candidates<br />

(bottom row). De<strong>la</strong>yed events are clearly distributed<br />

above Digital Q max /Q tot of about 40 while prompt events<br />

appear to be below such value. As discussed previously, the<br />

Digital Q max /Q tot distributions confirm that the <strong>de</strong><strong>la</strong>yed candidates<br />

at high energy are the most a↵ected by HELN contamination.<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

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