POWER UP A WINNER - Plant Services

POWER UP A WINNER - Plant Services

POWER UP A WINNER - Plant Services


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HUMan CAPitaL<br />

Tom Moriarty, P.E., CmrP<br />

Maintenance vs. motivation<br />

Who’s Herzberg and why should I care<br />

Frederick Herzberg was a highly respected social psychologist<br />

who developed a theory of employee motivation.<br />

He asked a group of workers to think about times when they<br />

had particularly good feelings about their jobs, and times<br />

when they felt particularly bad about their jobs. Herzberg<br />

also asked them to describe the feelings they had at those<br />

times. What he found was that workers associate distinct<br />

types of conditions as either good or bad situations. His<br />

research separated the factors that influence how people feel<br />

about their work into two categories: maintenance factors<br />

and motivational factors.<br />

Maintenance factors are necessary to maintain a reasonable<br />

level of job satisfaction. Maintenance factors include:<br />

• Policies and administration – the adequacy or inadequacy<br />

of a company’s organization and management<br />

• Supervision – its competency, fairness and ability<br />

• Interpersonal relationships – the bond between people<br />

and their peers, subordinates and supervisors<br />

• Working conditions – the physical environment where<br />

work is performed<br />

• Salary – the employee’s total compensation package<br />

• Personal life – the effect the job has on personal concerns,<br />

including family, recreation, etc.<br />

• Status – the attainment of perks relative to the person’s<br />

position, including parking spots, better computer, etc.<br />

• Job security – the work environment safety and stability<br />

He found that people talk about maintenance factors<br />

when they cite bad feelings about their jobs. The presence of<br />

maintenance factors won’t motivate people to achieve higher<br />

performance, but some minimum level of each maintenance<br />

factor is required to prevent dissatisfaction with the work<br />

environment. Too much dissatisfaction can lead to a longterm<br />

problem and a roadblock to motivation. Some longterm<br />

problems likely to surface include retaining employees,<br />

requests for transfer out of the department, absenteeism, etc.<br />

Motivational factors increase the likelihood that people<br />

will perform better, with less supervision. When people have<br />

good feelings about their jobs, they usually were talking<br />

about motivational factors. Motivational factors include:<br />

• Achievement – personal satisfaction in completing a job<br />

• Recognition – feedback about job accomplishment<br />

• Work – the actual content or the individual’s perceived<br />

value of the work<br />

• Responsibility – control over one’s job, or being in<br />

charge of a team<br />

• Advancement – an upward change in job status<br />

• Growth – learning and trying new skills or experiences<br />

On a daily basis, a supervisor has much more control over<br />

In the day-to-day grind, we often<br />

don’t think enough about enriching<br />

job satisfaction.<br />

motivational factors than maintenance factors. A supervisor<br />

can arrange to give workers a sense of achievement and positive<br />

recognition for good work. A supervisor can empower<br />

team members with greater responsibilities and provide<br />

opportunities for professional growth.<br />

Keep maintenance factors as stable as possible to prevent<br />

dissatisfaction, and load the work environment with motivational<br />

factors. Think of the work environment as a ship. The<br />

ship has to float on the water; a watertight hull is the nautical<br />

equivalent of the maintenance factors. However, a ship<br />

that sits at the pier won’t do much, so you need motivational<br />

factors, a propulsion device and rudder, to maneuver.<br />

In the day-to-day grind of trying to keep ahead of things, we<br />

often don’t think enough about enriching the job satisfaction of<br />

our subordinates. If you lead people, focus on providing at least<br />

one of the following things to everyone on your team:<br />

• Meaningful work – purposeful tasks that are perceived<br />

to be important<br />

• Responsibility – an appropriate level of autonomy in<br />

how a person carries out a task<br />

• Knowledge of the results of their efforts. Provide either<br />

direct feedback about how a specific task was completed<br />

or enable the worker to see how their efforts fit into the<br />

larger picture.<br />

Tom Moriarty, P.E., CMRP, is president of Alidade MER Inc.<br />

Contact him at tjmpe@alidade-mer.com and (321) 773-3356.<br />


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