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Student A<br />

a<br />

Ask B your questions.<br />

What do you do?<br />

• What are you doing now?<br />

Are you wearing a watch roday?<br />

• Do you usually wear a watch?<br />

\V ha, kind of books do you usually read?<br />

What are you reading at Ihe moment?<br />

b Answer B's questio ns.<br />


Students A+S<br />

How do you usuaLLy read?<br />

a on paper b on screen c on an eReader<br />

What kind of things do you read?<br />

a books<br />

d websites<br />

b newspapers e work documents<br />

c magazines f others (what?)<br />

When and where do you usually read?<br />

a at work I school<br />

b when you afe on a bus or train<br />

c on holiday<br />

d before you go to bed<br />

Do you ever need to read in English? What?<br />

7A WHERE WERE YOU? Student A<br />

a Ask B your questions. Ask Wllere lI'ere )'011<br />

{/ r.. ;:.<br />

9 o'clock yesterday morning<br />

11.30 yesterday evening<br />

3 o'clock yesterday afternoon<br />

• 12 o'dock lasrnight<br />

6.30 yesterday eveni ng<br />

7 o'clock this morning<br />

b Answer 8 's questions.<br />

Useful language<br />

at home I work I school I university<br />

in bed I the street I my car<br />

on the bus I the train<br />

7B STAMFORD BRIDGE Students A+S<br />

Tourist Information UK<br />


Stamford Bridge is a small village in the North of England, near York.<br />

It is about 230 miles (370 kilometres) from l ondon. lt has a population<br />

of 3.500 people. It is famous for a battle between the English and the<br />

Vikings in 1066.<br />

NB Don't conJuse Stomford Bridge near York with 5tomJord Bridge in<br />

London, the stadium oJ Chelsea Football Club!<br />

---<br />

7C A NIGHT TO REMEMBER Student A<br />

a<br />

Ask B the questions about Mehmel's nigh!.<br />

I When and where was it? (LasI year, ill/stallbul.)<br />

2 Who was he wit lt ? Why? (I-/is Iriemls. (I was his bestJrielld's<br />

birtluiay.)<br />

3 What colourT·shin did he wear? (Black.)<br />

4 What is Cezayir? (It's all old buildill{l witll a bar and a restauralll .)<br />

5 What did they do after dinner? (They Iwd II coffee alld I/lclllhe),<br />

lI'ellt 10 the beach 10 IIUI'e a swim.)<br />

6 Was the sea cold? (No. il was warm.)<br />

7 Why d id he go home in his friend's car? (Becallse lie COlIlll"'tjilld<br />

Iliscar kC)ls.)<br />

8 What time d id he get home? (Rea/I)' late, at fi"e o'clock ill the<br />

mamilla·)<br />

b Answer 8 's questions about Maria Julia's night.<br />

c Whose memo ry is better?<br />

Communication 103

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