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9C QUIZ NIGHT Student A<br />

a Complete your sentences 1-8 with the comparative<br />

from the bold adjectives.<br />

sm all Spain is than France.<br />

(True. Spaill is 50S,000 square kilometres alld France<br />

is 544,000.)<br />

2 long The river Amazon is ____ than the river<br />

Nile.<br />

(False. TlleAmaZO Il is abo1l16,400 kill /0118 alld lire<br />

Nile is nbOIlt 6,670 km 10118')<br />

3 old Oxford University is than<br />

Cambridge University.<br />

(Tru e. Oxford University was fomuled ill 1170alld<br />

CambridtJc 40 years later.)<br />

4 short T he English alphabet is than the<br />

Arabicalphabcl.<br />

(True . Tll ere arc 261ellers i/I I/Ie E"nlisir alplwbef alld<br />

28 ill file Arabica/p/label.)<br />

5 dangerous K2 is to climb rhan Mount<br />

Evcresr.<br />

(True. 40% DJ climbers 11'110 {jet to the top ofK2 die,<br />

bur only 9% oJ climbers of Evcrest (lie.)<br />

6 la r ge A gigabyte is than a megabYle.<br />

(True. A megabyte is 1,000 b),tes, bllt a gigabytc is<br />

1,000 megaby tes.)<br />

7 dry The Sahara Desert is ____ than the<br />

Aracama Desert.<br />

(False. Sa/mra Desert average railifall = 25 111111;<br />

AlaCll flla Desert average rainfall = 0. 1 mm.)<br />

8 far New Zealand is south than Australi a.<br />

(True. It's 2,000 km south-east of Australia.)<br />

b Play Quiz NiB/if. You are the presenter.<br />

• Read your sentence I w B. B musr s3y ifir'srrueor<br />

false.<br />

• Tell B ifhe I she is right and give the extra<br />

information in brackets.<br />

• IfS is right. he I she wins 500 curos. Then read<br />

sentence 2 fo r 1,000 euros, sentence 3 for 2.000<br />

euros, sentence 4 for 4,000 euros. etc.<br />

IfB gets a question wrong, he I she loses the moncy,<br />

but conri nues to play. T he prize starts again from<br />

500 euros.<br />

lOA CITIES QUIZ Student A<br />

a<br />

Complete your questio ns w ith the superlative of the<br />

adjectives in brackets.<br />

What's Ihe ci ty in Ihe world ? (noisy)<br />

a Tok yo b Madrid c Rome<br />

2 What's rhe city in the world? (hot)<br />

a Rio de Janeiro b Bangkok c Nai robi<br />

3 Which cit), has the monument in lhe world?<br />

(popular)<br />

a New York b Paris c Istanbul<br />

4 What's Ihe city in Europe? (foggy)<br />

a Prague b Lo ndon c Mila n<br />

5 Which city has the ___ traffic jams in the world?<br />

(b,d)<br />

a S;IO Pallia b Bcijing c Mexico City<br />

b Answer B's qucstions.<br />

c<br />

Ask B your questions. Does he I she know the a nswers?<br />

(The correcr answ ers are in bold .)<br />

( What's the noisiest city in the<br />

~Id, Tokyo, fo1adrid, or Rome?<br />


Student A<br />

a<br />

b<br />

Ask B rhe qucstions below.<br />

Tonig h t What I do tonight ?<br />

I study English? Why (not)?<br />

Tomorrow<br />

Next w eekend<br />

Answer B's quesrio ns.<br />

What time I get up tomorrow?<br />

Where I have lunch?<br />

I go away next weekend? Where to?<br />

• What l do o n Saturday ni ght?<br />

c<br />

Play Quiz N i{j /rI again. YOll are the contestant.<br />

Communication 105

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