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G be going to (predictions)<br />

V verb phrases<br />

p the letters 00<br />

Am I going to<br />

fall in love?<br />

1 VOCABULARY verb phrases<br />

a<br />

Do people in your country go to fortune-tellers, or use<br />

forrune-telling sites 011 the internet? Do ),011 bel ieve in<br />

form ne-reI t i ng?<br />

b Match the fo rtune-teller's cards and verb phrases.<br />

D gCt a lot of money<br />

D become famolLs<br />

~ . b<br />

L..J get a new 10<br />

o get .llli\.rried<br />

D meet somebody new<br />

D fa ll in love<br />

o haveasur~<br />

[ill be llicky<br />

o tri!.vel<br />

o move house<br />


a<br />

5 14 ») Read and li sten [Q PART 1 of a story. I n pairs,<br />

answer the questions.<br />

W ho does lane wa nt to sec?<br />

2 Who is going to tell her .t bout her future? Why?<br />

3 Why couldn't she sec the man vcr}' well?<br />

b 5 15 ») Li sten to part 2.<br />

Then. w ith a partner, complete<br />

the information.<br />

lane has a problem with<br />

her<br />

2 Shecbooses __ ca rds.<br />

3 Her first ca rd mcans shc's<br />

goi ng 10 be _ _ .<br />

4 lane asks the fortune·reller<br />

if she's going to with her boy friend.<br />

c (~ 16 ») Read and li sten to PART 3. [n pai rs, a nswer the<br />

questions.<br />

d<br />

c<br />

What's rhe second ca rd? Whal does it mean?<br />

2 Why is this a problem for "tne?<br />

3 Whar's her third c .. rd? \Vh .. t does it mea n?<br />

4 Who's Jim? Where d id lane meet him?<br />

5 Whatdo you think the fo urth card is goi ng to be?<br />

517 ») Lisrcnto part4.Thcn.<br />

with a partner. complete the<br />

in formarion.<br />

Her fOllrrh ca rd mea ns she is<br />

going to __ her boyfriend<br />

and go .. way wirh Jilll<br />

w<br />

2 Very soon rhey are going<br />

w<br />

3 lane asks if she is going to<br />

be and rhe fo rruneteller<br />

says<br />

4 She pays rhe fortu ne-teller<br />

£_-<br />

5}IS))) Read and lisrcn ro PART 5. In pilirs, answer the<br />

quesrions.<br />

1 Who was the forrune-teller?<br />

2 W h)' d id he pay Mad .. me Yolanda £ IOO?<br />

3 Whar's tbe fifth ca rd? What do yOll think is going to<br />


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